Useful contacts
If you have a complaint about one of the organisations we audit you should contact that organisation directly in the first instance. Most organisations have a process to manage complaints and their websites will usually have details on how to submit your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the way the organisation concerned has responded to your complaint, one of the agencies listed below may be able to help.
- NSW Ombudsman investigates maladministration in NSW.
- Independent Commission Against Corruption investigates corrupt conduct in NSW.
- Information and Privacy Commission NSW deals with complaints about privacy rights and access to government information in NSW.
- Law Enforcement Conduct Commission investigates misconduct by police officers, civilian employees of the NSW Police Force, and officers of the NSW Crime Commission.
- Health Care Complaints Commission resolves, investigates and prosecutes complaints about health care in NSW.
- Office of Local Government investigates complaints about pecuniary interests and failure to disclose pecuniary interests, councilor misconduct, and serious non-compliance with the relevant legislation, such as the Local Government Act 1993.
- Public Service Commission designs, implements and advises on workforce management strategies in the NSW public service.
- Anti-Discrimination NSW deals with complaints of discrimination or harassment that are covered by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.