Actions for Workers compensation claims management
Workers compensation claims management
What this report is about
Workers compensation schemes in NSW provide compulsory workplace injury insurance. The effective management of workers compensation is important to ensure injured workers are provided with prompt support to ensure timely, safe and sustainable return to work.
Insurance and Care NSW (icare) manages workers compensation insurance. The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) regulates workers compensation schemes. NSW Treasury has a stewardship role but does not directly manage the schemes.
This audit assessed the effectiveness and economy of icare’s management of workers compensation claims, and the effectiveness of SIRA’s oversight of workers compensation claims.
icare is implementing major reforms to its approach to workers compensation claims management - but it is yet to demonstrate if these changes are the most effective or economical way to improve outcomes.
icare’s planning and assurance processes for its reforms have not adequately assessed existing claims models or analysed other reform options.
icare's activities have not focused enough on its core responsibilities of improving return to work and maintaining financial sustainability.
SIRA has improved the effectiveness of its workers compensation regulatory activities in recent years. Prior to 2019, SIRA was mostly focussed on developing regulatory frameworks and was less active in its supervision of workers compensation schemes.
NSW Treasury's role in relation to workers compensation has been unclear, which has limited its support for performance improvements.
icare should:
- Ensure that its annual Statement of Business Intent clearly sets out its approach to achieving its legislative objectives.
- Monitor and evaluate its workers compensation scheme reforms.
- Develop a quality assurance program to ensure insurance claim payments are accurate.
NSW Treasury should:
- Work with relevant agencies to improve public sector workers compensation scheme outcomes.
- Engage with the icare Board to ensure icare's management is in line with relevant NSW Treasury policies.
SIRA should:
- Address identified gaps in its fraud investigation.
- Develop a co-ordinated research strategy.
Workers compensation schemes in New South Wales provide workplace injury insurance for around 4.7 million workers. The effective management of workers compensation is important to ensure injured workers are appropriately supported and provided with prompt treatment to ensure timely, safe and sustainable return to work. There were around 110,000 injured workers compensation claims in 2022–23.
The two main workers compensation schemes in NSW are the Nominal Insurer (NI), which is for the private sector and is funded by premiums paid by employers, and the Treasury Managed Fund (TMF) which covers public sector workers and is funded by the NSW Government.
Insurance and Care NSW (icare) is responsible for managing the provision of workers compensation insurance, as well as several other insurance schemes. The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is responsible for regulating workers compensation and other insurance schemes. NSW Treasury has an oversight and monitoring role but does not directly manage or regulate workers compensation schemes.
icare outsources the management of workers compensation claims to several external insurance agents, which it refers to as claims service providers (CSPs). Tasks completed by CSPs include registering and assessing workers compensation claims, managing payments to injured workers, and liaising with injured workers, employers, and medical providers to support injury management and return to work.
The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness and economy of icare’s management of workers compensation claims, and the effectiveness of SIRA’s oversight of workers compensation claims. To address this objective, the audit considered whether icare’s reforms to its workers compensation claims management models are effective and economical, and whether there is an effective performance and accountability framework for the NI and TMF.
icare did not assess its existing claims management model or conduct a comprehensive options analysis assessing alternative claims management models before selecting its new claims management model for the Nominal Insurer
In 2021, icare decided to change the claims management model for the Nominal Insurer (NI) from a single outsourced claims service provider (CSP) to a model using multiple CSPs. icare did not conduct a detailed analysis of options before deciding on its new claims management model for the NI. icare did not complete a business case or undertake analysis of costs and benefits of the chosen model compared to other options, such as in-house provision of services by icare, a hybrid delivery model, or remaining with a single-provider model with improved support and performance incentives.
icare completed a procurement strategy which acknowledged a potential alternative model based on icare delivering claims management services. However, there was no detailed analysis or costing of this or other models for comparison with the outsourced model that had been chosen. The in-house provision option was not recommended because it was stated that ‘competition between external service providers can drive better performance than what icare could achieve’. The 2019 Independent Review Report on the NI recommended that icare use additional providers to reduce the pressure on its single provider. It was appropriate for icare to consider this recommendation when developing its new claims model, but it does not remove the need for icare to conduct its own detailed analysis to support decision making on major projects.
The absence of a business case or other similar detailed analysis reduces icare’s accountability for improved outcomes. It also means the stated benefits and costs of icare’s claims services model have not been fully tested. Introducing competition and performance-based payments to CSPs might improve return to work and financial sustainability outcomes but could create perverse incentives or increase the risk of CSPs withdrawing from contracts. A business case would have also provided information that could have been used to inform an evaluation framework for the new claims services model, including interim measures to help assess whether intended benefits are on track.
A business case is the primary document to outline the case for change and analysis of alternative options, as well as the costs, benefits and financial viability of the proposal. icare’s procurement policy does not require the development of a business case, but the NSW Procurement Strategy and NSW Treasury Business Case Guidelines require agencies to demonstrate value for money by submitting a business case to NSW Treasury for investment proposals over $10 million. At the point when icare sought approval from the icare Board to commence the procurement process, the maximum total contract value for the engagement of the six providers was estimated at between $3.7 billion and $6.4 billion over ten years.
icare conducted a comprehensive procurement process to select CSPs for its new NI claims management model
The procurement process for new providers for the NI involved an open market process that included extensive engagement with potential CSPs. This allowed icare to improve its understanding of the capacity and capability of providers and work collaboratively to refine the details of its claims management model.
icare developed a detailed procurement strategy that outlined the objectives of the new model, expected costs, services sought, governance framework, and an evaluation plan. icare provided regular updates to the icare Board on the progress of the procurement process and sought approval for key decisions about the changes being made.
icare met its planned timeframe for having contracts with multiple CSPs in place by 1 January 2023. icare’s contracts provide it with flexibility to adjust the performance measures after three years if required. The contracts also require 12 months’ notice from the CSP if they wish to withdraw from the contract. This helps icare to manage the risk of a reduction in capacity to manage claims if an existing CSP withdraws.
icare is implementing a new remuneration structure for CSPs which aims to provide better financial incentives to improve performance
The icare Board approved the introduction of a multiple provider model as part of its NI Improvement Program in December 2021. As a part of planning for the change, icare developed a different remuneration structure for the new CSP contracts that aim to create stronger incentives for innovation to improve performance. The previous remuneration model for providers involved a guaranteed fee that was set at 110% of the estimated cost of providing the service and had no financial penalties if CSPs did not meet performance targets. The new remuneration model splits the fees paid to CSPs into three categories:
- a base fee, a guaranteed fixed fee which covers 95% of a benchmarked cost agreed by icare and CSPs (this was the estimated cost of providing the service in an efficient way)
- a quality fee, which may be positive (up to ten per cent of the benchmarked cost) or negative (up to five per cent) depending on the CSP’s performance against the quality measures specified in the contract. These are mostly related to compliance with claims management processes such as timeliness, accuracy, and record keeping
- an outcome fee up to 50% of the benchmarked cost depending on the CSP’s performance against the outcome measures specified in the contract. These relate to the key performance measures in the system such as return to work rates, claim payments made, and medical costs. The outcomes fee can only be earned if the CSP achieves acceptable performance in the quality measures.
This remuneration model aims to provide CSPs with financial incentives to improve performance. Setting the 'base fee' at slightly below the expected cost of providing the service should mean that CSPs need to meet their quality measures to ensure they cover costs and would need to exceed performance targets in order to increase its profit margin. The success of this model will depend on factors including the appropriateness of the base fee and performance targets, and the behaviour of CSPs. These changes are not yet fully implemented and icare is taking a staged approach to the transition of new CSPs, so it is too early to judge their effectiveness.
icare’s new remuneration structure will increase payments to CSPs for the NI without initially requiring improved performance
The new provider model is expected to cost up to $100 million more per year compared to icare’s previous, single provider model. This fee increase depends on the extent to which CSPs achieve its outcome targets. For example, if all CSPs improve their performance to a level where they meet all of their performance targets, the full $100 million would be paid to CSPs. A lower amount would be paid if some CSPs did not achieve outcome targets. icare’s modelling indicates that the extra costs in payments to CSPs would be offset by reductions in payments to injured workers as a result of improvements in return to work rates.
For at least the first year of the new model, icare has committed to paying a proportion of the outcome fees to CSPs even if they do not achieve their performance targets. This is intended to support CSPs to invest in their systems with the goal of achieving better longer-term performance. However, it means that icare will initially pay higher fees for similar or potentially lower performance.
icare lowered the return to work rate targets in 2023 compared to 2022 to account for the impact of the transition to the new multiple provider claims management model. Exhibit 9 shows the differences between the targets in 2021–22 and 2022–23.
Business Plan FY22 (%) | Business Plan FY23 (%) | Change | |
Return to work targets | 4-week: 70.0% 13-week: 85.0% 26-week: 87.8% 52-week: 89.8%
| 4-week: 65.4% 13-week: 77.5% 26-week: 82.1% 52-week: 85.6% | 4-week: -4.6% 13-week: -7.5% 26-week: -5.7% 52-week: -4.2% |
Source: icare planning documents (unpublished).
CSP remuneration has increased from around $251 million in 2018–19 to almost $379 million in 2022–23, an increase of more than 50%. CSP remuneration has increased in each financial year during this period (Exhibit 10).
icare’s focus for reforming the TMF is not based on addressing key strategic challenges for the scheme
icare initiated a ‘TMF transformation program’ in 2022. The business case for the TMF transformation program did not include an assessment of the key strategic challenges for the TMF or describe how the transformation would improve return to work rates. Instead, it focused predominantly on the implementation of a single IT platform for managing workers compensation claims. While a single IT platform may be an important technological enabler for claims management, it does not address the underlying strategic issues that contributed to a decline in claims management performance and increase in costs in the TMF.
icare’s analysis indicates that the implementation of the new IT system will cause a short-term decline in return to work rates for the TMF. Reducing performance in return to work rates, even if only temporarily, can have a long-term impact on outcomes for affected workers and for scheme costs. icare’s internal modelling indicates that if the early stages of a claim are not managed well, claimants are much more likely to have a long-term claim.
The primary purpose of the workers compensation scheme is to optimise return to work outcomes for injured workers and to maintain the financial sustainability of the schemes. Previous reviews have stated that icare should apply a return to work focus for all its activities because this is the outcome on which it is judged by Parliament, workers, employers and the community.
icare has commenced a procurement process for the TMF without conducting detailed analysis of its claims management model
In December 2023, icare completed a procurement strategy for approval by the icare Board to guide its procurement of CSPs for the TMF. The TMF procurement strategy refers to the broader improvement objectives for the TMF, which include improving return to work performance and increasing capability to manage psychological injury claims. It contains a brief analysis of an in-house claims management model compared to an out-sourced approach. However, it does not include detailed analysis of options for its claims management model. This analysis contained a similar amount of detail as the procurement strategy for the NI (see Chapter 2). It did not include any evaluation of the outsourced model that icare has used previously and did not assess options for hybrid models that use a mixture of in-house and outsourced services. icare has had the same claims management model for the TMF, using the same three CSPs prior to its establishment in 2015. icare inherited contractual arrangements with three CSPs that had commenced in 2010. Its most recent procurement process for CSPs took place in 2019. Before commencing this procurement, icare did not evaluate the effectiveness of the arrangements that were in place from 2010 to 2019 or analyse alternative options for claims management models.
icare plans to draw on the work done for the NI procurement of CSPs in 2022 by using clauses in the NI contracts to extend them to cover TMF work. icare has also commenced an open expression of interest process to engage with other potential CSPs for the TMF.
The TMF procurement strategy sets out options for a revised performance and remuneration framework for CSPs in the TMF. This is based on the work done for the NI procurement and has the same goal of providing stronger financial incentives for CSPs to improve their claims management performance.
icare’s analysis estimates that these changes will lead to savings because the new remuneration model will improve CSP performance, which will reduce overall scheme costs. However, the estimates presented in the TMF procurement strategy, which was presented to the icare Board for approval, do not have supporting analysis or completed modelling of costs. A key gap is the details used to estimate the actual costs for CSPs to deliver the services, which underpins the payment amounts under the revised remuneration framework. The strategy also does not include analysis of risks, such as impacts to return to work rates because of the transition to a new model. Without these details, icare cannot demonstrate that its planned approach is likely to deliver value for money.
Fees paid to CSPs for the TMF have increased significantly in recent years despite previous forecasts of reductions in fees paid and improvements in performance
icare’s payments to CSPs managing TMF claims has increased by around 30% in the last five years, rising from around $90 million in 2018–19 to around $125 million in 2022–23. This increase in payments to CSPs occurred during a period when return to work performance declined by two percentage points and the total payments for workers compensation claims increased by around 60%. The number of claims received also increased significantly in this time, as noted in Chapter 1.
Some of icare’s reform activities aim to improve return to work and financial sustainability
One of the stated goals of icare’s NI improvement program is ‘getting injured workers back to work sooner’ and the improvement program includes implementing a new claims management model for the NI (discussed in Chapter 2). Alongside this program, icare has made other changes that aim to improve the day-to-day claims management processes. In recent years icare has begun working to clarify roles and responsibilities for the claims management process. This has included consultation with CSPs and producing written documents that specify which issues should be handled by CSPs and which should be referred to icare.
icare has also developed a Professional Standards Framework that aims to provide a consistent set of standards that case managers are expected to adhere to. This framework sets out minimum standards and capability expected of CSP staff. It is a contractual requirement for NI providers to comply with the framework through its recruitment and training for staff. The framework is intended to also apply to the TMF but is not yet included in TMF provider contracts. Since 2021, icare has also provided training material to CSPs focussing on key aspects of claims management. Training covers topics that have previously been identified as areas of weakness, such as the calculation of weekly payments, initial contact, and injury management.
icare’s accountability for achieving scheme outcomes is not clear enough
While the practical changes discussed have the potential to help improve claims management performance, icare’s acceptance of overall accountability for scheme outcomes remains unclear. In 2021, icare considered several ‘business models’ that would guide its overall approach to reforming its workers compensation claims models. It decided to adopt what it described as a ‘platform’ model, which positioned icare as a facilitator and focused on self-direction and choice for employers and employees. Among the models that it chose not to adopt was a ‘scheme administrator’ model, which was characterised by transparency and clear accountability for performance.
This underlying approach can be seen in icare’s reforms to the claims management model for the NI. Some elements of the reforms target improvements in return to work outcomes, such as the introduction of performance-based payments to CSPs (discussed in Chapter 2). However, icare described the goal of the reforms as creating a competitive market of CSPs that would provide choice to employers, which indicates icare taking accountability for implementing system changes but not for the achievement of outcomes. icare’s plans for reforms to the TMF are similarly focused on icare’s accountability for providing support systems for workers compensation schemes, rather than accepting responsibility for ensuring the key outcomes are achieved.
The management of workers compensation schemes is a complex task. There are external factors outside icare’s control that influence the key performance measures of return to work and scheme financial viability. However, as the provider of workers compensation schemes, icare is primarily accountable for improving return to work rates for the NI and TMF and its strategies and activities should be focused accordingly. icare’s most recent corporate strategy documents described its current phase of its organisational strategy as ‘increase focus on those we serve’. This is a positive change from the previous year when the same phase was described as ‘simplify for improved outcomes’.
icare has committed significant resources to internal organisational improvement programs
icare has committed significant resources to an organisational improvement program in recent years. The program responds to the recommendations of previous external reviews (summarised in Chapter 1). These reviews made a combined total of 107 recommendations. Of these, 98 related to ‘enterprise improvement’, covering internal processes such as governance, procurement and risk management. The focus of the recommendations on internal processes reflects the terms of reference for these reviews. As a result, icare’s improvement program has a focus on internal organisational change, rather than a broader strategic assessment of the key challenges to the performance of workers compensation schemes, such as the rise in psychological injury claims.
The program has been overseen by an external advisor and quarterly reports have been published that outline progress, with the first report published in December 2021 and the most recent in August 2023. Accountability for implementing recommendations of external reviews is important. However, the strong focus on internal organisational projects has contributed to increases in icare’s operating expenses without fully addressing the strategic challenges to the key legislative objectives of workers compensation schemes – optimising return to work outcomes and ensuring financial sustainability.
icare’s employee and other operating expenses have increased significantly during a period when workers compensation scheme performance has not improved
According to its annual financial reports, icare’s total employee expenses have increased significantly in recent years. The total number of employees at icare increased from 1,431 in 2020–21 to 1,756 in 2022–23, an increase of 23%. icare’s budget for 2023–24 includes a further increase in staff numbers to 1,800.
There has been a corresponding increase in icare’s employee expenses, with staff costs increasing by 29%, from $214 million in 2020–21 to $276 million in 2022–23. icare did not take on any new functions during this period and the performance of the NI and TMF did not improve, as described in Chapter 1. Over the past three years icare has added the highest number of new employee positions in the ‘digital and transformation’ area. Additional staff positions have also been created in corporate areas including people and culture and risk and governance. Many of these positions relate to icare’s improvement program.
icare’s other operating expenses have also increased in recent years, rising from $699 million in 2020–21 to $814 million in 2022–23. The majority of icare’s other operating expenses are fees paid to CSPs. However, icare has also spent a significant amount on contractors, contingent workers, and consultants in recent years, despite also increasing its permanent staff numbers. Some of these contractor and consultant expenses related to icare’s improvement program discussed above. Over the last three years, icare spent an average of more than $100 million per year on hired labour, comprised of:
- $60 million per year on contractors
- $35 million per year on contingent workers
- $8 million per year on consultants.
icare completed a review of its corporate expenses in September 2023 and reported the results of this review to the icare Board. icare’s review stated that it had reduced its expenses by a total of $88 million from 2019–20 to 2021–22. This included a reported decrease of $40 million in spending on contractors and contingent workers, which is in contrast to its annual financial reporting data which shows an increase of $25 million during this period. icare’s expenses review used management reporting data which categorises expenses differently to the way expenses are categorised in annual financial statements. For example, a large proportion of expenditure on contractors and contingent workers was categorised as project expenditure in icare’s management reporting. While this may be appropriate for management reporting purposes, it resulted in icare reporting lower expenditure on contractors and contingent workers in its expenses review compared to its annual reporting.
The number of icare senior executives in the top pay band for the NSW public service increased from two in 2021–22 to eight in 2022–23. The average remuneration of icare’s senior executives in 2022–23 was $652,000. This is more than double the average remuneration for the two senior executives that were in the highest pay band at the former WorkCover Authority, icare’s predecessor agency, in its last year of operation in 2014–15. It is also approximately double the average remuneration for senior executives at icare’s equivalent entities in comparable jurisdictions. The average remuneration for the ten senior executives at WorkSafe Queensland in 2022–23 was $285,000 and the average remuneration for the 11 senior executives at WorkSafe Victoria was $276,000.
icare spent at least $470 million on projects that were intended to improve the operations of the workers compensation schemes between 2016–17 and 2019–20. This includes the implementation of a single provider claims management model and the introduction of a new IT platform but does not include the cost of contractors and consultants who worked on these projects. Previous external reviews of icare found that these projects did not achieve their objectives and contributed to a deterioration in performance against the key legislative objectives for workers compensation of return to work and financial sustainability. icare spent another $45 million on moving back to a multiple provider model for the NI from 2023.
icare’s reporting on the performance of workers compensation schemes has not provided a clear indication of performance in its core areas of responsibility
icare’s public reporting has not provided transparency in the key areas of return to work and financial sustainability of workers compensation schemes. Prior to 2019–20, icare did not report publicly on its return to work rate targets in the NI. icare did not report on a TMF return to work target until 2022–23. icare’s four most recent annual reports have included an ‘enterprise performance scorecard’. In 2021–22 this scorecard had 11 measures, with only four that related to insurance scheme performance (return to work rate in the NI, net results in NI, net results in TMF and investments). The scorecard had seven measures that related to icare’s internal processes in that year, such as staff engagement scores, risk management, and internal audit. In 2022–23, the scorecard included five measures that related to insurance scheme performance. However, the measure relating to return to work performance for the NI had changed from the previous years. As a part of its reforms to the NI, icare plans to publish more information about workers compensation scheme outcomes on its website. It commenced this reporting in December 2023.
The key document outlining icare’s strategic approach to managing its operations is the Statement of Business Intent (SBI). The measure icare has used for reporting on return to work targets for the NI in its SBI has changed in each of the last four years. Exhibit 13 shows icare’s internal reporting on NI return to work targets since 2020–21. The frequent changes to the way icare has reported on its key performance measures make it difficult to track its performance over time.
Financial year | Reporting measure for return to work in SBI |
2020–21 | Return to work rate measured at 26 weeks after claim made |
2021–22 | Return to work rate measured at 4, 13, 26 and 52 weeks after claim mad |
2022–23 | Return to work rate measured at 13 weeks after claim made |
2023–24 | Return to work rate measured as ‘working rate’ (using a different methodology) |
SIRA has recently updated its strategic framework to improve the effectiveness of its regulatory activities
One of SIRA's principal legislative objectives is to provide effective supervision of the workers compensation system. SIRA updated its strategic framework in 2021. The strategy outlines guiding considerations across four ‘pillars’ of SIRA’s regulatory work: scheme design, licensing, supervision, and enforcement.
SIRA has increased its focus on supporting improvements to return to work outcomes in recent years. It commissioned a research paper to inform SIRA's system-wide strategy to improve return to work rates. This paper provides a summary of the current evidence relating to factors most likely to support better return to work outcomes. This research has been used to inform SIRA's strategies and plans. For example:
- SIRA has a return to work action plan which outlines ten actions aimed at supporting improvements in return to work rates. Actions include reviewing insurers’ return to work practices in 2022, developing a return to work standard of practice, and targeting compliance work to employers identified as higher risk.
- SIRA advises it is currently developing a ‘Recover Through Work Strategy’ which expected to replace its action plan. The draft strategy covers research, promotion and education activities related to early intervention, psychological injuries, and additional data and insights relating to return to work.
- SIRA developed a mental health recovery and support action plan in 2021 based on research it had commissioned.
SIRA has used regulatory instruments including written directions and letters of censure to icare when it has identified issues that require remediation, as noted in Chapter 2. SIRA’s ability to regulate the workers compensation scheme is limited by the fact that it cannot impose licence conditions on the NI or other entities, which limits its ability to escalate its regulatory responses if needed.
A previous review of the legislative arrangements for workers compensation recommended that SIRA should be given additional powers to ensure it can fully perform its regulatory functions for workers schemes. The review also found the roles and responsibilities between icare and SIRA were unclear in some areas. For example, workers compensation legislation allocates operational functions to SIRA which has created duplication and inefficiencies as noted in this chapter. The review recommended government consider amending legislation to state clearly the powers and functions of each entity. Both issues are yet to be addressed.
SIRA was mostly focussed on developing regulatory guidelines and frameworks in the years after it was established
SIRA was created in late 2015 and was tasked with regulating multiple insurance schemes and establishing operational frameworks to supervise each insurance scheme within its remit. In the initial years of SIRA’s establishment, SIRA developed guidelines and standards around the management of workers compensation. For example, SIRA’s first Standards of Practice was issued in 2018 and contained broad claims management principles to guide insurer conduct and support the achievement of scheme legislative objectives. SIRA also first published an Insurer Supervision Model in 2017 which outlined SIRA’s approach to monitoring and supervising the performance across workers compensation insurers. The model contained compliance and performance indicators to help SIRA identify and address risks in the areas of conduct, claims management and financial sustainability. SIRA advises this supervision model assisted it to identify a significant decline in the performance of the NI in 2018, which led SIRA to commission its first independent review of the NI in 2018–19.
SIRA has become more active in its regulation of the NI but only recently started actively supervising the TMF
SIRA increased its monitoring and supervision of the NI following the findings of the 2019 review, with SIRA commencing quarterly compliance and performance audit of claims management of the NI from July 2020. SIRA’s reviews of the NI had a strong focus on compliance with specific legislative requirements, in response to concerns about a lack of capability among claims managers at the time. Some of SIRA's more recent reviews of the NI have selected a strategic focus area, such as compliance with the ‘early intervention’ requirements of claims management. This theme was selected based on research evidence indicating that the management of a claim in the first four weeks has a significant impact on return to work outcomes. SIRA advises that future audits will use a risk-based approach and focus on areas in which low compliance has been identified and there is evidence that the compliance requirement is based on better outcomes, such as injury management planning.
SIRA has issued two penalty notices as a result of its increased oversight on the NI:
- The penalty notice issued on 6 September 2019 totalled $132,000. The penalties were imposed for icare’s failure in 24 instances to commence weekly workers compensation payments within seven days of initial notification of the injury to the insurer.
- The penalty notice issued on 22 January 2020 totalled $82,500. The penalties were issued for icare’s failure in ten instances to ensure employer’s premium rate does not increase by more than 30% from the previous policy year, as required in SIRA’s premium guidelines. icare’s failure to comply with the capping requirement led to impacted policy holders paying an additional premium totalling over $700,000.
SIRA began regularly reporting to government on NI financial sustainability in 2016–17, with its first report provided to government in August 2018. The 2016–17 report noted generally that a new claims model had been implemented from January 2018 which may impact claims experience and make future treatment and costs more complicated. However, the report did not provide further details of these risks, such as potential impacts on the key areas of return to work or related cost impacts due to the transition. SIRA’s annual reports from the years up to and including 2018–19 did not draw attention to any performance concerns for the NI or the TMF and did not provide detailed information on SIRA’s supervision activities for the schemes. The reports focused mostly on other areas of SIRA’s responsibility, particularly the implementation of reforms to the compulsory third party insurance scheme during 2017.
In January 2020, SIRA commenced investigations into the management of three Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) claims in the TMF following reports it received around claims mismanagement. The report outlined several actions, including that SIRA undertake a broader review of the compliance and performance of the TMF and a larger audit of CSNSW workers compensation claims with a focus on psychological injuries. In August 2022, SIRA commenced a review of 100 CSNSW claims to assess the compliance of these claims against legislative and regulatory requirements. During the audit, SIRA advised these reviews led to SIRA developing the evidence base for undertaking its broader review of the TMF in 2023. The 2023 TMF review has a focus on managing psychological injury claims.
The audit did not see evidence of SIRA taking a strategic approach to the regulation of the TMF in earlier years despite the outcomes of SIRA’s initial CSNSW investigations, deteriorating return to work performance, increasing costs, and the emerging strategic risk of the rise in psychological injury claims. Given these issues, a more active regulatory presence from SIRA would have been justified.
Any decline in return to work rates, even if only temporary, can have a long-term impact on outcomes for affected workers and for scheme costs. For example, research indicates that injured workers who are not working for a longer period become progressively less likely to ever return to work and are more likely to develop a secondary psychological injury associated with their initial injury. As a result, the poor performance of workers compensation schemes in previous years is having an ongoing impact on scheme performance today.
SIRA began focussing on improving compliance of employers with workers compensation obligations from 2020, but did not have a strategy or active program prior to this
In 2020, SIRA created an Employer Supervision and Return to Work Directorate as part of a broader organisational restructure. The Directorate was created to strengthen the focus and regulatory approach for employers and support the development of an employer supervision strategy and framework. The strategy and framework for employers were finalised in 2022. These are consistent with its organisation-wide regulatory framework and outlines SIRA’s approach to planning and conducting regulatory activities in identified areas of highest risk.
In December 2021, SIRA also established an inspectorate to undertake employer education activities and conduct reviews of employer compliance with workers compensation obligations, in addition to those conducted by SafeWork NSW. Prior to this, SIRA did not have a dedicated employer supervision and compliance strategy or function, although it did provide educational resources for employers. It relied on SafeWork inspectors to conduct workplace inspections on its behalf, which were guided by SIRA’s modelling work.
SIRA has legislative powers to enter workplaces to gather evidence, conduct audits and reviews, and impose penalties for non-compliance. SIRA targets its employer inspections primarily through a predictive data analysis tool, with a smaller number of inspections in response to complaints or referrals. The predictive tool assesses new workers compensation claims made and identifies those that are at higher risk of a poor return to work outcome, based on factors including the type of claim and employer or industry.
SIRA has not allocated sufficient resources to investigate and prosecute fraud
SIRA has a legislative responsibility to assist in measures to deter and detect fraud within workers compensation schemes. In February 2023, SIRA engaged an internal review to assess its capability and structure in enforcement and prosecution in all schemes it oversees, including the Compulsory Third Party scheme and the Home Building Compensation Fund. The review found there was a backlog of high-risk fraud referrals. This could indicate that cases of fraud in the workers compensation system may have gone undetected or unaddressed in recent years. The review recommended SIRA expand its investigations team to reduce the backlog of matters and ensure all icare referrals are investigated.
During the audit, SIRA advised that while it has not fully responded to these recommendations yet, it has engaged additional resources for the employer investigations team and will consider additional resourcing in 2024–25. SIRA also advised it had taken other actions to reduce fraud risks, including initiating regular meetings with icare to discuss new fraud referrals and working with icare on a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen fraud investigations and prosecutions. However, these actions are unlikely to address the issues relating to resourcing that were identified in the review.
Some of SIRA's research and pilot programs duplicate or overlap with those of icare
SIRA has a legislative function to 'to initiate and encourage research to identify efficient and effective strategies for the prevention and management of work injury and for the rehabilitation of injured workers'. In 2019, SIRA commissioned a review of its research strategy on workers compensation and other insurance schemes which it oversees. The review found, among other things, additional work was needed to coordinate SIRA's research program to avoid duplication. The review recommended SIRA improve collaboration with icare, SafeWork and other stakeholders and develop a model for knowledge translation to ensure evidence informs practice.
SIRA and icare's research and pilot programs still overlap in several areas, especially workplace mental health-related research. For example:
- icare has a ‘Front of Mind’ program that is focussed on developing and testing mental health platforms, like development of apps and education programs. SIRA has a 'Recovery Boost' program which provides grants to universities and private service providers to research and develop programs related to mental health.
- icare has also developed a 'Design for Care' program in partnership with Curtin University to research work design impacting mental health. Similarly, SIRA has funded various research projects on workplace mental health, including Monash University's work-connected interventions for psychological injuries, and Black Dog Institute's two-year research fellowship on recovery after psychological injury.
- icare has reported it would be developing a mental health strategy and action plan in 2022–23. SIRA has also developed action plans and strategies on mental health.
SIRA revised its research strategy in response to the review's findings and recommendations. SIRA's Research Strategy 2022–25 outlines its research objectives, actions, and measures of success. Actions include working with stakeholders to co-design research projects and working with stakeholders to prioritise research based on level of impact. Measures of success include creating opportunities for CSPs and other stakeholders to engage with SIRA's programs and increasing the number of research partnerships targeting personal injury evidence gaps.
NSW Treasury’s role in overseeing icare is not clearly defined, limiting its ability to support performance improvements in workers compensation
NSW Treasury does not have a legislated role in the management of workers compensation. icare is directly accountable to the icare Board and the icare Board is accountable to the responsible minister for icare achieving its statutory objectives. The TMF is funded by the NSW Government and has a direct impact on the NSW budget, so NSW Treasury has a role in advising the Treasurer on the performance and operations of the TMF. NSW Treasury also supports the minister responsible for icare, so has a role in advising the responsible minister in relation to icare's management of the NI. This includes reviewing and advising the minister on icare’s annual Statement of Business Intent, which icare must submit to the responsible minister and the Treasurer.
NSW Treasury has monitored icare’s financial and operational performance and has reported regularly on this to the responsible Minister and the Treasurer. However, NSW Treasury has not taken action to address issues that it is aware of. For example, when reviewing icare’s Statement of Business Intent (SBI) in 2022–23, NSW Treasury stated that it had concerns about the performance and financial sustainability of workers compensation schemes. Its response was to advise the responsible minister and the Treasurer to note its concern about these issues. In this review, NSW Treasury also advised that icare had not achieved its own forecasts from previous years for improvements to the financial position of the NI but did not propose any action in response to this. Similarly, NSW Treasury noted in another ministerial brief that icare made changes to its targets for return to work rates in 2020–21 that only required performance to be maintained or improve marginally. It expressed concern that this represented an acceptance of ongoing performance at lower than historical levels but did not propose any actions. NSW Treasury’s lack of specific responses to these issues reflects its limited powers to influence icare’s actions.
Recent changes to icare’s governing legislation allow the Treasurer or the Secretary of NSW Treasury to require icare to provide information relating to its activities. This may help NSW Treasury to be more active in its oversight of icare’s key decisions and activities. In November 2023, icare’s responsible minister announced that NSW Treasury will conduct a review of icare focusing on its operational costs.
This audit has identified several gaps in icare’s management of workers compensation schemes. For example, icare proceeded with changes to its claims management model for the NI that involve a multi-billion dollar procurement process without completing detailed options or benefit-cost analysis, as discussed in Chapter 2. icare has also focused significant resources and attention on internal corporate improvement activities that do not directly contribute to the achievement of the key legislative objectives of workers compensation schemes. Both of these issues have led to significant increases in icare’s costs without improved return to work outcomes in recent years. Stronger engagement from NSW Treasury with the icare Board could help improve icare's performance by providing advice and challenge in areas in which icare has consistently under-performed.
Appendix one – Responses from audited agencies
Appendix two – About the audit
Appendix three – Performance auditing
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Parliamentary reference - Report number #393 - released 2 April 2024
Actions for Design and administration of the WestInvest program
Design and administration of the WestInvest program
What this report is about
WestInvest is a $5 billion funding program announced in September 2021 to provide ‘local infrastructure to help communities hit hard by COVID-19’ in 15 local government areas (LGAs) selected by the government. It was divided into three parts: $3 billion for NSW government agency projects; $1.6 billion for competitive grants to councils and community groups; and $400 million for non-competitive grants to councils.
Following the change of government at the 2023 election, the program was renamed the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program. Funding decisions made for the community and local government grants were retained, but multiple funding decisions for the NSW government projects were changed.
The audit objective was to assess the integrity of the design and implementation of the program and the award of program funding.
The design of the program lacked integrity because it was not informed by robust research or analysis to justify the commitment of public money to a program of this scale.
The then government did not have sufficient regard to the implications for the state's credit rating. A risk to the credit rating arose because the government may have been perceived to be using proceeds from major asset sales to fund new expenditure, rather than pay down its debt.
Decisions about program design were made by the then Treasurer's office without consultation with affected communities. The rationale for these decisions was not documented or made public.
For the NSW government projects, funding allocations did not follow advice from departments. Many funded projects did not meet the objectives of the program.
The two other rounds of the program were administered effectively, except for some gaps in documentation and quality assurance. The program guidelines did not require an equitable or needs-based distribution of funding across LGAs and there was a significant imbalance in funding between the 15 LGAs.
Our recommendations for the administration of future funding programs included:
- considering whether competitive grants are the best way to achieve the program's purpose
- completing program design and guidelines before announcements
- ensuring adequate quality assurance.
We also recommended that when providing advice for submissions by Ministers to Cabinet, agencies should ensure that departmental advice is clearly identified and is distinct from other advice or political considerations.
WestInvest is a $5 billion funding program that was announced in September 2021. The program was established with the stated aim of building ‘new and improved facilities and local infrastructure to help communities hit hard by COVID-19’.
WestInvest was divided into three funding streams:
- $3 billion NSW government projects round open to NSW government agencies
- $1.6 billion community projects competitive round administered as a competitive grant program that was open to local councils, non-government organisations, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, and educational institutions in the 15 eligible LGAs
- $400 million local government projects round administered as a non-competitive grant round only open to the 15 eligible councils, with each council receiving a pre-determined share of the $400 million.
The WestInvest program was administered by NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department (previously the Department of Premier and Cabinet). Decisions about funding allocations were made by the former Treasurer in his role as the statutory decision-maker and announced by the former government in the lead up to the March 2023 NSW State election, but no funding was paid prior to the election.
Following the change of government, the funding decisions for the community projects competitive round and local government projects round were confirmed and negotiation of funding deeds commenced. The current government reviewed the decisions for the NSW government projects round and made changes to multiple decisions as part of the 2023–24 NSW Budget process. The current government has also changed the name of the program to the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program.
The objective of the audit was to assess the integrity of the design and administration of the WestInvest program. This included assessing the processes used in the design and implementation of the program and award of funding.
The audit did not re-assess the merits of individual projects that were submitted for funding consideration and did not examine the implementation of projects that were allocated funding.
Decisions about the objectives and focus areas for the program were made without advice or analysis from the agencies that administered the program
The WestInvest program involved the commitment of $5 billion as a stimulus measure linked to economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there was no business case or other economic analysis conducted to support consideration of the potential benefits and costs of the program. Media releases and the public guidelines for WestInvest stated that western Sydney was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic more severely than other parts of Sydney and regional NSW. These assertions were not supported by evidence or analysis.
Evidence from NSW Treasury provided for this audit indicates that it was asked to prepare the initial proposal for the WestInvest program within a very short timeframe. This limited its ability to conduct research, analysis and consultation that could have informed the development of the program. This is particularly important for the integrity of decisions involving large-scale spending. Staff from NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department advised the audit team that the areas of focus for WestInvest were decided by Ministers and their staff without advice from the audited agencies. There is no documented analysis justifying the decision to focus the program on community infrastructure, or the six ‘areas of focus’ that were selected. The Premier's Department commissioned research from Western Sydney University after the areas of focus for the program had been decided. This did not inform decisions about the program focus but aimed to provide baseline information about community infrastructure in the 15 eligible LGAs which could be used in program evaluation.
The rationale for making 15 LGAs eligible for the program was not clear
It is not clear how the government decided which LGAs would be eligible for WestInvest funding. Public communication about the program referred to the western Sydney region and commented on areas that had been ‘hit hard’ by the COVID-19 pandemic. The specific factors that were used to decide which LGAs were eligible were not explained publicly or documented.
In the 2019–20 NSW Budget papers, "western Sydney" was defined as 12 LGAs. All of these were included as eligible for the WestInvest program. The additional three LGAs that were made eligible for the WestInvest program (Burwood, Canterbury-Bankstown, and Strathfield) were not within the NSW Budget papers definition but were designated "areas of concern" during the COVID-19 pandemic, which meant they were subject to more restrictions than other LGAs at certain points.
Georges River and Bayside LGAs both made public statements that drew attention to the fact that they were not made eligible for the WestInvest program despite being designated areas of concern. Several of the 15 LGAs that were made eligible for WestInvest had not been designated areas of concern during the pandemic, including Penrith, The Hills, and Blue Mountains.
There was no consultation with eligible councils or other key stakeholders before the program design was decide
The program design had not been subject to consultation with councils or other relevant organisations in western Sydney. This meant that the views of eligible councils and community organisations on strategic priorities in their respective communities were not considered before decisions on program design were made.
Staff from some councils interviewed by the audit team indicated that while funding for community infrastructure is welcome, some councils had other priority areas for infrastructure development that were at least as high as new community infrastructure. As independent entities, each council has its own strategic planning processes to identify and plan for infrastructure projects and other areas of need. These were not considered in the design of the WestInvest program.
Staff at several councils we spoke to highlighted delivery risks to the projects for which they had been allocated funding. These included:
- the short timetable set by the then government (considering the amount of funding available and the requirements for applications) meant that full project development and assurance processes were not completed for most applications when they were submitted
- difficulty complying with the government’s administrative and assurance requirements for funding recipients, such as detailed planning and reporting.
When early planning for WestInvest was being done, both NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department identified the risk that applicants may not be able to deliver funded projects on time or within budget. The absence of consultation, research and analysis before the program design was finalised meant that these factors were not considered before the government had committed to the program. We did not see evidence that the then government had considered the cumulative impact of an additional $5 billion in infrastructure projects on the costs of materials and skilled labour concentrated in the eligible LGAs.
The Premier's Department conducted an online survey (WestInvest 'Have Your Say'), between 23 February 2022 and 31 March 2022. This was open to the public and asked questions about which of the six ‘areas of focus’ were most important to them and what type of community infrastructure projects they would like to see. This found higher levels of community support for two of the six areas (community infrastructure and green and open space).
On 18 April 2022, the Premier's Department released a summary report on the findings of the WestInvest ‘Have Your Say’ Survey. The Premier's Department noted that the survey was for consultation purposes only and did not form part of the application process for the WestInvest program. The Premier's Department stated in its summary report that the survey results 'will feed into the assessment process across the WestInvest Program'.
However, the Premier's Department staff interviewed by the audit team told us that the survey results did not play any formal role in the assessment process or funding recommendations for projects. The survey did not provide data that could be used to inform assessment decisions because:
- responses could be submitted by any member of the public who accessed the survey, not just those living in the LGAs that were eligible for the program, so the data could not be taken as representative of the views of the residents of eligible LGAs
- many survey responses were ruled ineligible as they were deemed to be associated with a community campaign that related to projects outside the focus areas of WestInvest.
The government did not have sufficient regard to risks to the State's credit rating when establishing the WestInvest program
The NSW Government has a policy of maintaining a AAA credit rating for the State of New South Wales. This is codified in the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2012. The NSW Government did not have sufficient regard to the implications and risks of committing $5 billion of funding to the WestInvest program to its credit rating. A risk to the State's credit rating arose because the government may have been perceived to be using proceeds from major asset sales to fund new expenditure, rather than paying down State debt.
The $3 billion NSW government projects round was open to NSW government agencies and administration of the round was led by NSW Treasury. Funding allocated through this round was not subject to the NSW Grants Administration Guide. This is because the funding was awarded to NSW government agencies rather than organisations external to government, so it did not meet the definition of a grant program. Projects were submitted by NSW government agencies to NSW Treasury and were assessed against program criteria by staff from NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department. Each project received a score and advice on whether it was suitable for funding or not. The WestInvest steering committee considered these and provided advice to the then Treasurer.
NSW Treasury prepared guidelines for the $3 billion NSW government projects round, but these were not approved by the then Treasurer until after the program assessment had commenced
NSW Treasury prepared guidelines for the NSW government projects round in September 2021. These were submitted to the then Treasurer for approval in December 2021 but were not approved. This meant that the process for assessing applications for NSW government projects was not agreed between government agencies and the then Treasurer, who was the statutory decision-maker of the allocations of funding. NSW Treasury subsequently prepared an assessment plan based on the unapproved guidelines, which set out more details about the process to be used for assessing applications for the NSW government projects round. The program guidelines were not published, which meant there was no public information about the process for assessing the largest component of the WestInvest program.
In May 2022, the then Treasurer’s Office requested that NSW Treasury make changes to the unapproved guidelines so that projects that delivered 'business as usual' state government infrastructure such as schools, roads, and health infrastructure were no longer considered ineligible for the program. These revised guidelines were approved in June 2022, but were not published. The changes were not consistent with the initial purpose of the WestInvest program which was to fund ‘transformational’ community infrastructure.
The funding advice from the WestInvest steering committee was not followed by the then Treasurer and the justifications for the funding allocation decisions were not documented
One-third of the projects that were allocated funding (9 out of 27) had been assessed by the WestInvest steering committee as having low or moderate merit. These projects were allocated combined funding of $1.1 billion. Reasons that the steering committee gave for assessing these projects as not suitable for funding through the WestInvest program included the absence of completed business cases, incomplete project development, and poor alignment to the objectives and criteria for the WestInvest program as outlined in the original program guidelines.
Staff from NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department put considerable resources into preparing guidelines and assessing and providing advice on the merits and eligibility of applications against these guidelines, but in most cases the advice was not followed by the then Treasurer. There was no documentation of reasons for the departures from steering committee advice. The NSW government projects round was not subject to the NSW Grants Administration Guide, so the requirement under those guidelines for documenting reasons for departures from advice on funding decisions did not apply. However, when the WestInvest program was established, it was noted that any departures from the funding advice from the steering committee would be documented by the then Treasurer. This applied to the entire WestInvest program. None of the projects that were allocated funding through the NSW government projects round were actually given funding, as only allocations of funding were approved by the then Treasurer.
Most of the funding was allocated to projects that did not align with the purpose of WestInvest or meet the assurance requirements of the program
Of the 27 projects that were allocated funding (Exhibit 3), 12 were from the Department of Education and seven from Transport for NSW. This resulted in over $2 billion, or 69% of the funding available through the NSW government projects round, being allocated to state school and road projects. Most of these projects were not aligned with any of the six focus areas of the WestInvest program. In addition, these projects were examples of ‘business as usual’ activities of NSW government agencies that did not clearly align with the initial purpose of the program to deliver transformational community infrastructure that would improve liveability in the 15 eligible LGAs.
State schools
State roads
Open spaces
Arts and community infrastructure
Source: NSW Treasury documents.
Conditions were attached to the approval of funding allocations for 21 of the 27 projects. Most of these conditions related to the completion of a business case and other project assurance requirements, which were required under the program guidelines.
Projects approved through the WestInvest program were to receive funding from the Community Services and Facilities Fund (CSFF), which is a legislative fund created under the NSW Generations Funds Act 2018 (the Act). The Act states that the purpose of the CSFF is to provide funding for ‘cost-effective facilities and services’ (s.12(1)). The absence of business cases and other assurance requirements from most of the projects approved created the risk of legislative non-compliance, as many of the projects that had been allocated funding could not clearly demonstrate that they would be cost-effective.
NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department’s assessment of the first group of projects submitted for the NSW government projects round indicated that agencies applying for funding did not understand the purpose or requirements of the program. NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department received 153 applications after the first call for proposals. Most did not align with the stated purpose of WestInvest or meet the assurance requirements that had been set for the program. For example:
- 90 project proposals (59% of those submitted) were assessed as ineligible. Thirty-five of the 90 did not include any infrastructure, which was the main purpose of the WestInvest program. The other 55 proposed infrastructure projects were not consistent with any of six areas of focus for the program.
- 118 proposals (77% of proposals submitted) did not have a business case, which was a requirement of the WestInvest program guidelines.
As the first request for project proposals did not generate enough suitable applications, the then Treasurer made a second request to NSW government agencies in August 2022 seeking additional project proposals. This occurred after the guidelines for the NSW government projects round had been broadened to allow more projects to be considered for funding (discussed above).
Multiple state school projects were allocated funding after being assessed by the WestInvest steering committee as ineligible or unsuitable for funding
The Westmead Education Campus project, valued at $308 million, was rated as ineligible by NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department because it did not address any of the six specified focus areas for the WestInvest program. This meant it did not go through a full assessment against the program criteria and was not submitted to the then Treasurer for funding consideration.
The project was later re-submitted and the then Treasurer subsequently approved it for funding allocation. This occurred after the guidelines for the NSW government projects round had been broadened (discussed above). NSW Treasury's advice on this submission noted that the project had not been fully developed, with key decisions about the delivery model not made, and it did not have a final business case.
The Box Hill (Terry Road) new school project, valued at $112 million was rated as ‘moderate – not suitable for funding consideration at this time’ by the WestInvest steering committee. It was subsequently approved for funding by the then Treasurer.
Nine school upgrade projects with a total value of $478 million were allocated funding by the then Treasurer. Each of these had been assessed as ineligible by NSW Treasury and the Premier's Department against the original program guidelines because they did not meet any of the WestInvest focus areas and were not considered 'transformational'. There were a further 14 similar proposals for school upgrades that were also assessed as ineligible but were not allocated funding.
Funding allocations from the WestInvest program were changed after the 2023 NSW State election
Following the change of government at the 2023 NSW state election, most of the funding decisions announced by the former government were changed. The new government had announced during the election campaign that, if elected, it would redirect some WestInvest funding 'to rebuild Western Sydney schools and Western Sydney hospitals'. Eleven of the 27 projects that had been announced by the former government were not funded by the new government. The combined value of these projects was at around $1.5 billion (Exhibit 4). The seven roads projects that had been allocated funding through WestInvest, valued at $1 billion, were also removed from the WestInvest funding allocation but these still received funding from a different source.
State schools
Open spaces
Arts and community infrastructure
Source: NSW Treasury documents.
The funding was reallocated to 17 projects that the new government had announced as election commitments during the 2023 State election campaign. This comprised ten school infrastructure projects, five health infrastructure projects, and two transport infrastructure projects. All of these projects had a cost of more than $10 million each, which means they are subject to NSW Government business case and gateway assurance requirements. Business cases had been completed for the two transport projects. The other 15 projects did not have business cases.
State schools
Source: NSW Treasury documents.
After these changes, the $3 billion NSW government projects round funding distribution was:
- Nine school upgrades, valued at $478 million, that had been allocated funding by the former government (see Exhibit 3).
- 17 new projects, with a total value of around $2.3 billion, that had been announced as election commitments by the new government (Exhibit 5). All of these are state school, health, or transport infrastructure.
- Three projects that covered administrative costs associated with the WestInvest program, with a total value of around $230 million (not previously announced).
The $1.6 billion community project grants - competitive round was open to local councils, NGOs, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, and educational institutions, across 15 eligible LGAs in western Sydney. Exhibit 6 shows a timeline of key dates for the community project grants - competitive round.
The $400 million local government projects round was administered as a non-competitive grant round that was only open to the 15 eligible councils. Each council was allocated a portion of the $400 million funding via a formula that provided a base allocation and an additional amount based on the population of each LGA. Each council received between $21 million and $35 million.
Applications for funding were submitted to the Premier's Department for assessment. Proposed projects were required to be eligible for the program and be rated as having merit against the published program criteria, which were the same as those for the competitive round. Exhibit 12 shows a timeline of key dates for the Local government projects competitive round.
Appendix one – Responses from audited agencies
Appendix two – About the audit
Appendix three – Performance auditing
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Parliamentary reference - Report number #391 - released 28 February 2024.
Actions for State Finances 2023
State Finances 2023
What this report is about
Results of the audit of the Consolidated State Financial Statements of the New South Wales General Government Sector (GGS) and Total State Sector (TSS) for the year ended 30 June 2023.
The audit opinion on the 2022–23 Consolidated State Financial Statements was qualified in relation to two issues and included an emphasis of matter.
The first qualification matter is a continuation of the prior year limitation of scope on the audit relating to the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (CMCT), a controlled state entity, who continued to deny access to its management, books and records for the purposes of a financial audit. As a result, the Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the assets, liabilities, income and expenses relating to CMCT recorded in the TSS and the equity investment recognised in the GGS relating to the net assets of CMCT.
The second qualification matter relates to the limitations on the accuracy and reliability of financial information relating to Statutory Land Managers (SLMs) and Common Trust entities (CTs) controlled by the State and were either exempted from requirements to prepare financial reports, or who were required to submit financial reports and have not done so. The Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to determine the impact on the value of non-land assets and liabilities, income and expenses that should be recognised in the 2022–23 Consolidated State Financial Statements and which have not been recorded in the Consolidated State Financial Statements.
The independent audit opinion also includes an emphasis of matter drawing attention to key decisions made by the NSW Government regarding the future of the Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales (TAHE).
The report includes recommendations for NSW Treasury to address several high-risk findings, including:
- ensuring accurate and reliable financial information is available to recognise the non-land balances of SLMs and CTs
- ensuring the CMCT, SLMs and CTs meet their statutory reporting obligations
- conducting a broader review of the financial reporting exemption framework
- continued monitoring of TAHE's control over its assets
- providing timely guidance to the sector relating to legislative or policy changes that impact financial reporting
- developing an accounting policy for the reimbursement of unsuccessful tender bid cost contributions.
Pursuant to section 52A of the Government Sector Audit Act 1983, I am pleased to present my Report on State Finances, for the year ended 30 June 2023.
The report highlights the maturity of financial reporting across the sector, with most New South Wales (NSW) government agencies that consolidate into the whole-of-government accounts having unqualified audit reports.
This report also highlights important areas for improvement. Improving the timely completion of the NSW Government's consolidated financial statements, and resolving matters on the quality of the Total State Sector Accounts that have resulted in modifications to the independent audit opinion, should be a key focus.
Colleagues in NSW Treasury and key agencies, along with staff of the Audit Office, have worked extremely hard and collaboratively throughout the year to resolve significant accounting and audit matters, and address recommendations from past audits. I thank them for their diligence and commitment to ensuring the quality and timeliness of financial management and reporting in the NSW public sector.
This level of professionalism needs to be sustained in view of the significant challenges that lie ahead, including embedding sustainability reporting and the disclosure of climate-related financial information. The State and the Audit Office are well placed to meet these challenges.
As this is the last report I will present on State Finances during my term as Auditor-General, I would like to conclude by saying what an honour it has been to serve the Parliament of NSW in such an important role. A commitment to independent assurance and transparent reporting on the activities of government have been a hallmark of NSW for two centuries. We should all take pride in and protect this commitment to good government.
Margaret Crawford PSM
Auditor-General for New South Wales
The Independent Auditor's report was qualified
The audit opinion on the Consolidated State Financial Statements of the New South Wales General Government Sector (GGS) and Total State Sector (TSS) for the year ended 30 June 2023 was qualified in relation to two issues and included an emphasis of matter. These matters are detailed below.
From here on, the Consolidated State Financial Statements are referred to as the Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA), in line with NSW Treasury's naming convention.
The audit opinion continued to be qualified due to a limitation on the scope of the audit relating to the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust
The first qualification matter is a continuation of the prior year limitation of scope relating to the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (CMCT), who continued to deny access to its management, books and records for the purposes of a financial audit.
NSW Treasury's position remains that CMCT is a controlled entity of the State for financial reporting purposes. This means CMCT is a GSF agency and is obliged under Section 7.6 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSF Act) to prepare financial statements and give them to the Auditor-General for audit.
To date, CMCT has not met its statutory obligations under the GSF Act. CMCT has not submitted its financial statements to the Auditor-General for audit despite repeated requests and has not provided access to its books and records for the purposes of a financial audit. As a controlled entity, NSW Treasury is required by Australian Accounting Standards to consolidate the CMCT into the TSSA.
Consequently, the Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on the carrying amount of assets and liabilities recognised in the TSS as at 30 June 2023 and of the amount of income and expenses for the year then ended. The value of the net assets of CMCT consolidated into the TSS is $321 million, and the total comprehensive income of CMCT consolidated into the TSS for the year is $25.8 million. The GGS financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 also recognised an equity investment in the net assets of CMCT ($321 million).
This limitation of scope resulted in a qualified audit opinion being issued on the TSS and the GGS.
Section 3 of this report titled 'Limitation of scope relating to CMCT' discusses this matter in further detail.
The audit opinion was qualified due to a limitation on the scope of the audit relating to the non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses of controlled entities that manage crown land and associated assets and for which reliable financial information is not available
There are 579 Category 2 Statutory Land Managers and 119 Commons Trust entities controlled by the State.
A category 2 Statutory Land Manager (SLM) is a type of Crown Land Manager that is controlled by the State. It excludes other Crown Land Managers such as councils, metro cemeteries and Crown Holiday Parks land managers. Commons Trusts (CT) are responsible for the care, control and management of commons for which the trust is established. A common is a parcel of land that has been set aside by the Governor or the Minister for specific use in a certain locality, such as grazing, camping or bushwalking.
NSW Treasury has determined that SLMs and CTs are controlled entities of the State. Consequently these should be recognised in the TSSA as required by Australian Accounting Standards. However, the non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses of SLMs and CTs have not been recognised in the TSSA.
Most of these entities have not prepared financial statements, upon which to consolidate the non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses of SLMs and CTs into the TSSA. This is because they have either not complied with their financial reporting obligations under section 7.6 of the GSF Act, or they were not required to prepare financial statements as they met the prescribed reporting exemption criteria set out in the Government Sector Finance Regulation 2018.
In 2022–23 NSW Treasury reviewed available financial information to estimate the aggregate value of non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses relating to SLMs and CTs that were not recognised in the TSSA.
NSW Treasury estimates the aggregate value of non-land assets not recognised in the TSSA to be in the range of $351.6 million to $382.4 million. However, there are significant limitations on the accuracy and reliability of financial information that support these estimates. Only 12 entities were supported by what NSW Treasury defined as ‘highly reliable financial data’. Two hundred and eighty-four entities provided self-reported information and 288 entities had not submitted any financial data. The balances of the remaining entities were supported by what NSW Treasury defined as ‘somewhat reliable financial data’. This included ‘lower-quality’ financial statements and assessments of asset values performed by the former Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).
Because of the limitations on the accuracy and reliability of financial information relating to SLMs and CTs, the Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to determine the impact on the value of non-land assets and liabilities that should be recognised in the TSSA as at 30 June 2023 and of the amount of income and expenses that should be recognised in the TSSA for the year then ended.
Accordingly, this limitation of scope resulted in a qualified audit opinion being issued on the TSSA.
Section 4 of this report titled 'Limitation of scope relating to Category 2 Statutory Land Managers and Commons Trusts' discusses this matter in further detail.
The audit opinion included an emphasis of matter drawing attention to key decisions regarding the future of the Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales (TAHE)
The Independent Auditor’s Report also includes an emphasis of matter, drawing attention to key decisions made by the government in August 2023 regarding the future of TAHE.
The decisions are likely to have a significant impact on TAHE's financial position and future operating model, including converting TAHE from a for-profit State Owned Corporation (SOC) to a non-commercial Public Non-Financial Corporation (PNFC).
These decisions may impact the future commercial agreements with the public rail operators and the future valuation of TAHE’s assets that are consolidated in the TSS. The decisions also mean that cash contributions made to TAHE are treated as grant expenses, rather than equity investments, the audit matter that has previously been reported.
Section 5 of this report titled 'Investment in TAHE' discusses this matter in further detail.
Other significant matters relating to the TSSA audit are covered in Section 6 titled 'Key audit findings'.
The number of identified errors increased in 2022–23
In 2022–23, agency financial statements presented for audit contained 29 errors, where each error exceeded $20 million (20 errors in 2021–22). The total value of these errors was $2.5 billion, an increase from the previous year ($973 million in 2021–22).
The following graph shows the number of reported errors (both corrected and uncorrected), exceeding $20 million over the past five years in agencies’ financial statements presented for audit.
Most errors related to:
- the incorrect application of Australian Accounting Standards and NSW Treasury policies
- issues with the data, judgements and assumptions used when valuing non-current physical assets and liabilities
- non-recognition of provisions related to the enhanced paid parental leave scheme that became effective 1 October 2022.
CMCT continues to deny the NSW Government and the Auditor-General access to its management, books and records
NSW Treasury has reconfirmed the CMCT is a controlled entity of the State. The Audit Office accepts the position of NSW Treasury.
The reaffirmation of this position means CMCT is a GSF agency under the provisions of the GSF Act. Section 7.6 of the GSF Act places an obligation on CMCT to prepare financial statements and give them to the Auditor-General. Further, section 34 of the Government Sector Audit Act 1983 (the GSA Act) requires the Auditor-General to furnish an audit report on these financial statements.
The Audit Office recommended in the ‘State Finances 2022’ report that NSW Treasury and DPE should ensure CMCT meets its statutory reporting obligations. CMCT continues to contest NSW Treasury’s determination and asserts they are not a controlled entity of the NSW Government.
To date, CMCT has not met its statutory obligations to prepare financial statements under the GSF Act and provide them to the Auditor-General for audit. CMCT has not submitted their financial statements to the Auditor-General for audit despite repeated requests and has not provided access to its books and records for the purposes of a financial audit. There continued to be correspondence between the Audit Office of NSW, CMCT, NSW Treasury and DPE in 2022–23 regarding this matter.
Category 2 Statutory Land Managers and Commons Trusts should be consolidated in the TSSA
A category 2 Statutory Land Manager (SLM) is a type of Crown Land Manager that is controlled by the State. It excludes other Crown Land Managers such as councils, metro cemeteries and Crown Holiday Parks land managers. SLMs are persons or entities appointed by the Minister to be responsible for the care, control and management of Crown reserves on behalf of the people of New South Wales.
Commons Trusts (CTs) are responsible for the care, control and management of commons for which the trust is established. A common is a parcel of land that has been set aside by the Governor or the Minister for specific use in a certain locality, such as grazing, camping or bushwalking. CTs are considered to be controlled entities of the Minister who administers the Commons Management Act 1989. CTs are not SLMs.
Category 2 SLMs and CTs are controlled entities of the State and should be consolidated in the Total State Sector Accounts as required by Australian Accounting Standards.
Most of these entities have not prepared audited financial statements, upon which to consolidate the non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses of SLMs and CTs into the Total State Sector Accounts. This is because they have either not complied with their financial reporting obligations under section 7.6 of the GSF Act or they were not required to prepare audited financial statements as they met the prescribed reporting exemption criteria set out in the Government Sector Finance Regulation 2018. Further information on this compliance matter is included in Section 6 of this report titled 'Key audit findings'.
Insufficient financial information is available to estimate the value of non-land assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of SLMs and CTs that should be consolidated in the TSSA
In 2022–23, NSW Treasury reviewed the available financial information to estimate the aggregate value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses relating to SLMs and CTs that should be consolidated in the TSSA.
Land managed by the SLMs and CTs is valued each year by the former Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and included in the TSSA in aggregate ($466 million, 2021–22: $318 million). However, there were significant issues with the accuracy and reliability of financial information to support non-land assets, liabilities, income and expenses of SLMs and CTs.
NSW Treasury considered the financial statements of 30 of the largest SLMs and CTs, self-reported financial information for around 400 SLMs and CTs, asset valuations, aerial photography, review of business operations, risks, legal claims, insurance arrangements and limitations imposed due to the scale and bespoke nature of the operations. DPE facilitated further engagement with SLMs and CTs to identify additional information.
NSW Treasury estimates the aggregate value of non-land assets not recognised in the TSSA to be in the range of $351.6 million to $382.4 million. However, there are significant limitations on the accuracy and reliability of financial information that support these estimates. Only 12 entities were supported by what NSW Treasury defined as ‘highly reliable financial data’. Two hundred and eighty-four entities provided self-reported information and 288 entities had not submitted any financial data. The balances of the remaining entities were supported by what NSW Treasury defined as ‘somewhat reliable financial data’. This included ‘lower-quality’ financial statements and assessments of asset values performed by DPE.
Although the review provided some information about the SLMs and CTs, NSW Treasury concluded that there were significant limitations in the financial information available from the SLMs and CTs, and limited information to support compliance with accounting policies and relevant Treasurer’s directions.
The TSSA audit opinion was qualified in relation to SLMs and CTs
The opinion in the TSSA’s audit report was qualified due to the limitations on the accuracy and reliability of financial information relating to SLMs and CTs. This is a new audit qualification for 2022–23.
This limitation was appropriately disclosed in Note 1 'Statement of Significant Accounting Policies' of the TSSA. The Statement of Compliance signed by the Secretary of NSW Treasury and the Treasurer on 18 January 2024 was also updated to acknowledge the disclosure in Note 1 regarding SLMs and CTs.
In September 2023, the NSW Government announced its intention to convert TAHE into a non-commercial PNFC.
TAHE’s new operating model is expected to be implemented in three phases:
- Phase 1: the government expects to transition TAHE to not-for-profit status by taking administrative actions under the State Owned Corporations Act 1989.
- Phase 2: the government expects to introduce an initial wave of legislative changes to allow for the introduction of the new operating model.
- Phase 3: the government expects to introduce further legislative changes to remove TAHE’s status as a SOC. The corporation is expected to be renamed.
Cash contributions from NSW Treasury to TAHE in 2022–23 have been expensed and are no longer treated as equity contributions
In prior years the cash transfers from NSW Treasury (an entity in the GGS) to TAHE, an entity controlled by the State that is classified in the PNFC sector, were treated as equity contributions.
The equity contributions were recognised on the basis there was a reasonable expectation to earn a sufficient rate of return of 2.5% (including recovering any holding losses) on the investment in TAHE. The exception to this treatment is if there is no reasonable expectation of a sufficient rate of return on the contribution, in which case, the transfer should be recorded as a capital transfer expense. Returns include dividends, income tax equivalents and holding gains or losses.
The accounting treatment of the cash contributions to TAHE has been an area of significant audit focus in previous years, and significant audit findings reported to Parliament. The significant uncertainty relating to the assumptions and estimates used to forecast a 2.5% return on GGS investments into TAHE, that supported the recognition of an equity contribution in the prior year, was reported as an emphasis of matter in the 2021–22 TSSA audit report.
In 2022–23 the government changed the intent and expectations in relation to the future operating model of TAHE. This change in direction meant the government will no longer account for cash contributions to TAHE as equity, but rather will treat such contributions as an expense. This is because the government is no longer demonstrating that there is a reasonable expectation of a sufficient rate of return on the contributions made by the GGS to TAHE.
As a result, from 1 July 2022, the capital funding of $1.6 billion provided to TAHE in 2022–23 has been recorded as a capital transfer expense in the GGS Statement of Comprehensive Income.
The emphasis of matter included in last year’s TSSA audit report relating to the significant uncertainty relating to the assumptions and estimates used to forecast returns on GGS investments into TAHE is no longer relevant this year. However, the Audit Office have included a new emphasis of matter in the 2022–23 TSSA audit report, drawing attention to the key decisions made by the government in August 2023 regarding the future of TAHE.
'Emphasis of matter' paragraphs are included in an agency's Independent Auditor's Report for matters that have been presented or disclosed by the agency in its certified financial statements. Whilst they do not constitute an audit qualification, they do highlight matters that are, in our judgment, relevant to the users' understanding of the financial statements.
Further information on last year's audit of the government's investment in TAHE can be found in our ‘State Finances 2022’ report.
Valuation of TAHE assets in TAHE's accounts
At 30 June 2023, TAHE reported $16.5 billion in property, plant and equipment and related intangibles within the cash generating units (CGUs) – a $2.8 billion or 15% decrease from the same time last year (2021–22: $19.3 billion). The fair value of these assets at balance date is determined using the income approach – appropriate for TAHE given its current for-profit status. Such an approach is reliant on, and is sensitive to TAHE’s judgements, estimates and assumptions.
The reduction in the carrying value of reported assets was largely driven by the uncertainty of TAHE's future operating model under the new government, which increased the risk and discount rates applied to the valuation model.
Given the uncertainty over the future of TAHE, NSW Treasury and TAHE will need to assess whether the income approach remains an appropriate basis of valuation going forward.
Control of TAHE assets
TAHE's position on control of assets for the current year was accepted
TAHE assessed that it maintains control of its assets as it has exercised authority and power over its assets during the year, as well as continuing to operate as an independent SOC.
Consistent with the prior year, the audit did not find evidence that the assets held by TAHE are not controlled by TAHE. However, given the constraints that can be imposed through the operating licence, there is a risk that limitations could be placed on the operations or functions of TAHE. Future limitations to the degree of control TAHE, and its board, can exercise over it functions may impact the degree of control TAHE has over its assets going forward. The current operating licence issued by the Minister for Transport expires on 30 June 2024.
Furthermore, the government’s decision to change the operating model for TAHE in future years could impact the control TAHE has over its assets. The control of these assets by TAHE will be a continued area of audit focus.
RecommendationNSW Treasury and TAHE should continue to monitor the risk that control of TAHE assets could change in future reporting periods based on the government’s decision on TAHE’s new operating model. TAHE must continue to demonstrate control of its assets; or the current accounting presentation would need to be reconsidered. |
Performance audit on the design and implementation of TAHE
In January 2023, the Auditor-General tabled a performance audit on the 'Design and implementation of the Transport Asset Holding Entity', which assessed the effectiveness of NSW government agencies' design and implementation of TAHE. The audit included TAHE, Transport for NSW and NSW Treasury.
The audit found the design and implementation of TAHE, which spanned seven years, was not effective.
The process was not cohesive or transparent. It delivered an outcome that is unnecessarily complex in order to support an accounting treatment to meet the NSW Government's short-term Budget objectives, while creating an obligation for future governments.
The budget benefits of TAHE were claimed in the 2015–16 NSW Budget before the enabling legislation was passed by Parliament in 2017. This committed the agencies to implement a solution that justified the 2015–16 Budget impacts, regardless of any challenges that arose.
Rail safety arrangements were a priority throughout TAHE's design and implementation, and risks were raised and addressed.
Agencies relied heavily on consultants on matters related to the creation of TAHE, but failed to effectively manage these engagements. Agencies failed to ensure that consultancies delivered independent advice as an input to decision-making. A small number of firms were used repeatedly to provide advice on the same topic. The final cost of TAHE-related consultancies was $22.6 million compared to the initial estimated cost of $12.9 million.
Deficit of $10.6 billion compared with a budgeted deficit of $11.3 billion
The General Government Sector (GGS) comprises of 210 entities and provides public services or carries out policy or regulatory functions. Agencies in this sector are funded centrally by the State.
A principal measure of the government's overall activity and policies is its net operating balance (budget result). This is the difference between the cost of general government service delivery and the revenue earned to fund these sectors.
Outside the GGS, a further 104 government-controlled entities are included within the TSSA. These entities form part of the PNFC (32) and PFC (72) sectors, and generally provide goods and services for which consumers pay for directly (including water and electricity).
The GGS's budget result for the 2022–23 financial year was a deficit of $10.6 billion compared to an original forecast of a budget deficit of $11.3 billion.
Revenues increased $6.6 billion to $113.2 billion
The State’s total revenues increased $6.6 billion to $113.2 billion, an increase of 6.2% compared to the previous year. Total revenue growth in 2021–22 was 18.2%. The State's increase in revenue was mostly from $2 billion in sale of goods and services, $1.5 billion in fines, regulatory fees and other revenue, and $1.4 billion in interest.
Sale of goods and services increased by 14.8%
Sale of goods and services revenue increased by $2 billion, mainly due to the return of the State's operations and services post the COVID-19 pandemic, including the:
- return of elective surgery, increased patient services and sale of high-cost drugs under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment for Section 100 Highly Specialised Drugs for both private and public patients
- increased user demand for public transport
- re-opening of schools contributing to higher revenue from student fees, sports and extracurricular activities.
Fines, regulatory fees and other revenue increased by 19.8%
Fines, regulatory fees and other revenue increased by $1.5 billion, mainly due to higher mining royalties collected by the State of $949 million. Extracted volume and weight of coal, gold and copper increased in 2022–23, as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions eased, increasing the demand for export commodities.
Interest revenue increased by 137.6%
Interest revenue increased by $1.5 billion because of the strong interest rate environment and increases in the cash rate impacting securities, investment deposits and government agencies. As a result, this is passed on to new client loans as TCorp’s own borrowing costs increase.
Assets grew by $75.1 billion to $651 billion
The State’s assets include physical assets such as land, buildings and infrastructure systems, and financial assets such as cash, and other financial instruments and equity investments. The value of total assets increased by $75.1 billion or 13.1% to $651 billion. The increase was largely due to increases in the carrying value of land, buildings and infrastructure systems.
Valuing the State’s physical assets
The State’s physical assets were valued at $489 billion
The value of the State’s physical assets increased by $52.6 billion to $489 billion in 2022–23 ($46.7 billion increase in 2021–22). The State’s physical assets include land and buildings ($214 billion), infrastructure systems ($256 billion) and plant and equipment ($19.4 billion).
The movement in physical asset values between years includes additions, disposals, depreciation and valuation adjustments. Other movements include assets reclassified to held for sale.
Appendix one – Prescribed entities
Appendix two – TSS sectors and entities
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Actions for Treasury 2023
Treasury 2023
What this report is about
Result of the Treasury portfolio of agencies’ financial statement audits for the year ended 30 June 2023.
The results of the audit of the NSW Government’s consolidated Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA), which are prepared by NSW Treasury, will be reported separately in our report on ‘State Finances 2023’.
The audit found
Unqualified audit opinions were issued on all general purpose financial statement audits.
Qualified audit opinions were issued on two of the 24 other engagements prepared by portfolio agencies. These related to payments made from Special Deposit Accounts that did not comply with the relevant legislation.
The number of monetary misstatements identified in our audits increased from 29 in 2021–22 to 39 in 2022–23.
The new parental leave policy impacted agencies across all portfolios. NSW Treasury should perform annual assessments to identify changes in legislation and regulation and provide timely guidance to the sector.
Transport for NSW and Sydney Metro have capitalised over $300 million of tender bid costs paid to unsuccessful tender bidders relating to significant infrastructure projects. Whilst NSW Treasury policy provides clarity on the reimbursement of unsuccessful bidders’ costs, clearer guidance on how to account for these costs in agencies’ financial statements is required.
The key audit issues were
Five high-risk issues were reported in 2022–23. Three were new findings on contract management, accounting treatments for workers compensation renewal premium adjustments and the management and oversight of a Special Deposit Account. Two repeat issues referred to the need to improve quality review processes over financial reporting and the timely approval of administration costs.
Portfolio agencies should prioritise and action recommendations to address internal control deficiencies.
This report provides Parliament and other users of the Treasury portfolio of agencies’ financial statements with the results of our audits, analysis, conclusions and recommendations in the following areas:
- financial reporting
- audit observations.
Financial reporting is an important element of good governance. Confidence and transparency in public sector decision-making are enhanced when financial reporting is accurate and timely.
This chapter outlines our audit observations related to the financial reporting of agencies in the Treasury portfolio of agencies (the portfolio) for 2023.
Section highlights
- Unqualified audit opinions were issued on all Treasury portfolio agencies’ 2022–23 financial statements.
- Two qualified audit opinions were issued on special purpose financial reports, relating to whether payments from the Electricity Retained Interest Corporation – Ausgrid (ERIC-A) Fund and the Electricity Retained Interest Corporation – Endeavour (ERIC-E) Fund, complied with the relevant legislation.
- The total number of errors (both corrected and uncorrected) in the financial statements increased from 29 in 2021–22 to 39 in 2022–23.
Reported corrected misstatements increased from 15 in 2021–22 to 25 with a gross value of $7.1 billion in 2022–23. Reported uncorrected misstatements increased from 13 in 2021–22 to 14 in 2022–23, with a gross value of $277.6 million in 2022–23.
Appropriate financial controls help ensure the efficient and effective use of resources and administration of agency policies. They are essential for quality and timely decision-making.
This chapter outlines our observations and insights from our financial statement audits of agencies in the Treasury portfolio.
Section highlights
- Five high-risk issues were reported in 2022–23. Three were new findings on contract management, accounting treatments for workers compensation renewal premium adjustments and the management and oversight of a Special Deposit Account.
- A further 35 moderate risk findings were reported in 2022–23, of which ten were repeat findings.
- Some agencies have again spent monies without an authorised delegation.
- The quality of information provided for audit purposes needs to improve.
Appendix one – Misstatements in financial statements submitted for audit
Appendix two – Early close procedures
Appendix three – Timeliness of financial reporting
Appendix four – Financial data
Appendix five – Acquittals and other opinions
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Actions for Natural disasters
Natural disasters
What this report is about
This report draws together the financial impact of natural disasters on agencies integral to the response and impact of natural disasters during 2021–22.
What we found
Over the 2021–22 financial year $1.4 billion from a budget of $1.9 billion was spent by the NSW Government in response to natural disasters.
Total expenses were less than the budget due to underspend in the following areas:
- clean-up assistance, including council grants
- anticipated temporary accommodation support
- payments relating to the Northern Rivers Business Support scheme for small businesses.
Natural disaster events damaged council assets such as roads, bridges, waste collection centres and other facilities used to provide essential services. Additional staff, contractors and experts were engaged to restore and repair damaged assets and minimise disruption to service delivery.
At 30 June 2022, the estimated damage to council infrastructure assets totalled $349 million.
Over the first half of the 2022–23 financial year, councils experienced further damage to infrastructure assets due to natural disasters. NSW Government spending on natural disasters continued with a further $1.1 billion spent over this period.
Thirty-six councils did not identify climate change or natural disaster as a strategic risk despite 22 of these having at least one natural disaster during 2021–22.
Section highlights
Section highlights
Actions for NSW government agencies' use of consultants
NSW government agencies' use of consultants
What the report is about
This audit assessed how effectively NSW government agencies procure and manage consultants. It examined the role of the NSW Procurement Board and NSW Procurement (a unit within NSW Treasury) in supporting and monitoring agency procurement and management of consultants.
The audit used four sources of data that contain information about spending on consultants by NSW government agencies, including annual report disclosures and the State's financial consolidation system (Prime). It also reviewed a sample of consulting engagements from ten NSW government agencies.
What we found
Our review of a selection of consulting engagements indicates that agencies do not procure and manage consultants effectively.
We found most agencies do not use consultants strategically and do not have systems for managing or evaluating consultant performance. We also found examples of non-compliance with procurement rules, including contract variations that exceeded procurement thresholds.
NSW Procurement has made improvements to the information available about spending on consultants, including additional analysis and reporting. However, there is no single data source that accurately captures spending on consultants.
Our analysis of data on whole-of-government spending on consultants, drawn from agency annual reports, indicates that four large professional services firms accounted for about a quarter of consultancy expenditure from 2017–18 to 2021–22. This concentration increases strategic risks, including over-reliance on a limited number of providers and potential reduction in the independence of advice.
It is also highly unlikely that NSW government agencies will meet the government's 2019 policy commitment to reduce consultancy expenses by 20% each year, over four years, from 2019–20. NSW Treasury advised that to implement this commitment, agency budgets were reduced in Prime in line with the savings targets. However, actual spending on consulting in NSW Treasury's Reports on State Finances 2020–21 and 2021–22 was almost $100 million higher than the savings targets over the first three years since 2019–20.
What we recommended
The report made seven recommendations which aim to improve:
- the quality and transparency of data on spending on consultants
- monitoring of strategic risks and agency compliance with procurement and recordkeeping rules
- agencies' strategic use of consultants, including evaluation and knowledge retention.
Between 2017–18 and 2021–22, NSW government agency annual reports disclosed total spending of around $1 billion on consultants across more than 10,000 engagements. More than 1,000 consulting firms provided services to NSW government agencies during this period. Consulting is a classification of professional services that is characterised by giving advice or recommendations on a specific issue. The NSW Procurement Board Direction PBD-2021-03 defines a consultant as a person or organisation that provides 'recommendations or professional advice to assist decision-making by management'. PBD-2021-03 notes that the advisory nature of the work of consultants is the main factor that distinguishes them from other providers of professional services.
The NSW Procurement Board is responsible for setting procurement policy, issuing directions to support policies, and monitoring and reporting on agency compliance with policies and directions. NSW Procurement, a division within NSW Treasury, supports agencies to comply with the NSW Procurement Board’s policies and directions. A 'devolved governance model' is used for procurement in New South Wales. This means the heads of government entities that are covered by the NSW Procurement Board’s directions are responsible for managing the entity's procurement, including managing risks, reporting and ensuring compliance, in line with procurement laws and policies.
This audit assessed how effectively NSW government agencies procure and manage consultants. It assessed the role of the NSW Procurement Board and NSW Procurement in supporting and monitoring agency procurement and management of consultants. It also reviewed a sample of consulting engagements from ten NSW government agencies to examine how agencies procured, managed and reported on their use of consultants. The ten NSW government agencies were:
- NSW Treasury
- Department of Communities and Justice
- Department of Customer Service
- Department of Education
- Department of Planning and Environment
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Regional NSW
- Infrastructure NSW
- Sydney Metro
- Transport for NSW
There are four different sources of data that contain information about spending on consultants by NSW government agencies: the State's financial consolidation system (Prime), disclosures of spending on consultants in agency annual reports, and two systems operated by NSW Procurement (the Business Advisory Services (BAS) dashboard and Spend Cube). Each of these data sources serves a different purpose, and collects and categorises information differently. None of these provide a complete source of data on spending on consultants, either in their own right or collectively.
NSW Treasury considers Prime to be the 'source of truth' on consulting expenditure across the NSW public sector. An account within Prime records recurrent spending on consultants, but this account does not include capital expenditure (that is, spending on consultants that has from a financial reporting perspective been 'capitalised' to a project on the balance sheet). As the State's financial consolidation system, Prime captures all financial information. However, capitalised consulting expenditure is recorded within various capital accounts, and is not identifiable within these accounts. While this is appropriate for accounting purposes, it means that the Prime account that records recurrent consulting expenditure does not reflect total spending on consultants by NSW government agencies. We used the data in Prime to assess whether NSW government agencies met the NSW Government's policy commitment—stated before the 2019 election and costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office—to reduce recurrent expenditure on consulting by 20% each year, over four years, from 2019–20. We did this because, while the Prime account for recurrent consulting expenditure does not reflect all spending on consultants, it does capture the recurrent spending that was subject to the policy commitment.
Most NSW government agencies are required by legislation to disclose spending on consultants (as defined in PBD-2021-03) in their annual reports. These disclosures include both recurrent and capital expenditure. For consulting engagements that cost more than $50,000, the disclosures also provide itemised information, including the names of the individual projects and the consultants used. While this data is more complete than Prime because it includes capital expenditure, it also has some gaps. Some entities are excluded from public reporting requirements on consultant use. For example, NSW Local Health Districts (LHD) are not required to produce annual reports, and the Ministry of Health does not include LHD consulting expenditure in its annual report.1 We used annual report disclosure data to report on total expenditure on consultants, and the concentration of suppliers of consulting services to NSW government agencies.
The BAS dashboard and Spend Cube are systems created by NSW Procurement to collect information about spending on suppliers of professional services. This includes consultants, but also includes other professional services providers. The systems were not designed for reporting on spending on consulting as defined in PBD-2021-03. However, we have used this data to assess specific aspects of NSW Procurement's monitoring of the use of consultants by NSW government agencies.
In 2018, we conducted an audit titled 'Procurement and reporting of consultancy services'. This assessed how 12 NSW government agencies complied with procurement requirements and how NSW Procurement supported the functions of the NSW Procurement Board. The 2018 audit found that none of the 12 agencies fully complied with NSW Procurement Board Directions on the use of consultants and that the NSW Procurement Board was not fully effective in overseeing and supporting agencies’ procurement of consultants. Specific findings from the 2018 audit included:
- Agencies applied the definition of consultant inconsistently, which affected the accuracy of reporting on consultancy expenditure.
- There was inadequate guidance from NSW Procurement for agencies implementing the procurement framework, with a need for additional tools, automated processes, and other internal controls to improve compliance.
- NSW Procurement had insufficient data for effective oversight of procurement and did not publish any data on the procurement of consultancy services by NSW government agencies.
Our review of a selection of consulting engagements from ten NSW government agencies indicates that these agencies do not procure and manage consultants effectively. We found that most agencies do not have a strategic approach to using consultants, or systems for managing or evaluating their performance. We also found examples of non-compliance with procurement rules, including contract variations that exceeded procurement thresholds. NSW Procurement, a division within NSW Treasury, provides frameworks and some guidance to agencies for procuring consultants. However, gaps in its data collection and analysis mean monitoring of strategic risks is limited and it does not respond to agency non-compliance consistently. There are limitations in ability of various data sources to accurately record spending on consultants. These limitations include incomplete recording of all spending, and different definitions of consulting for accounting and financial reporting purposes. Notwithstanding these limitations, and based on information in the State's financial consolidation system (Prime)—which records recurrent expenditure on consultants—it is highly unlikely that NSW government agencies will meet the government's 2019 policy commitment to reduce spending on consultants, as defined in the policy commitment and costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office.
The use of a 'devolved governance model' for procurement means NSW government agencies are responsible for developing and implementing their own systems that align with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework. Agency heads are responsible for demonstrating compliance. Most agencies included in this audit did not have a clear strategic approach to how and when consultants should be used (for example, to seek advice and expertise not already available within the agency) and were using consultants in an ad hoc manner.
Our analysis of whole-of-government spending on consultants, drawn from agency annual reports, indicates that four large professional services firms account for around 27% of spending on consultants in the period from 2017–18 to 2021–22. The number of firms making up the top 50% of expenditure decreased from 11 to eight during this time, with the other 50% of expenditure spread across more than 1,000 firms. Concentration of consulting engagements within a small number of firms increases strategic risks, including that advice is not sufficiently objective and impartial, and that NSW government agencies become overly reliant on selected professional services firms.
Our review of a selection of consulting engagements by NSW government agencies found several examples of non-compliance with procurement policy. This included the use of variations to contract values which exceeded allowable limits. Record keeping was inadequate in many cases we reviewed, which limits transparency about government spending. Most agencies did not proactively manage their consulting engagements. The majority of consulting engagements that we reviewed were not evaluated or assessed by the agency for quality. Very few used any processes to ensure the transfer and retention of knowledge generated through consulting engagements. This means agencies miss opportunities to increase core staff skills and knowledge and to maximise value from these engagements.
NSW Procurement oversees a detailed policy framework that provides guidance and support to NSW government agencies when they are using consultants. The policy framework provides mandatory steps and some other guidance. Our audit on the procurement and reporting of consultancy services in 2018 found that agency reporting on the use of consultants was inconsistent and recommended that NSW Procurement should improve the quality, accuracy and completeness of data collection. NSW Procurement’s guidance on how agencies should classify and report on consulting engagements remains ambiguous. This contributes to continued inconsistent reporting by and across agencies, and reduces the quality of data on the use of consultants.
NSW Procurement has made some improvements to the information available about spending on consultants since our audit in 2018, including additional analysis and reporting that is available to agencies. However, there is still no single data source that accurately captures all spending on consultants. This is despite our recommendations in 2018 that NSW Procurement improve the quality of information collected from agencies and suppliers, which NSW Procurement accepted. This makes it harder for NSW Procurement or individual agencies to track trends and identify risks or improvement opportunities in the way consultants are used.
In early 2019, the NSW Government made a policy commitment to reduce consultancy expenses by 20% each year, over four years, from 2019–20 (excluding capital-related consultancy expenses). This commitment was set out in the Parliamentary Budget Office's '2019 Coalition Election Policy Costings (Policy Costings)'. NSW Treasury subsequently advised that to implement this commitment, agency budgets were reduced in Prime in line with the savings targets. However, actual spending on consultants recorded in Prime in the first three years after the commitment was made was almost $100 million higher than the targets. We did not see any evidence that the financial data on actual expenditure was used to inform reporting on NSW government agencies' progress toward achieving the savings set out in the policy commitment.
This chapter outlines our findings on the role of NSW Procurement in overseeing the use of consultants by NSW government agencies.
This chapter outlines our findings on the use of consultants by the ten NSW government agencies that were included in this audit.
Appendix one – Responses from auditees
Appendix two – About the audit
Appendix three – Performance auditing
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© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Parliamentary reference - Report number #378 - released 2 March 2023
Actions for Design and implementation of the Transport Asset Holding Entity
Design and implementation of the Transport Asset Holding Entity
What the report is about
The Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) is the State's custodian of rail assets. It is a state owned corporation and commenced operating on 1 July 2020.
This audit assessed the effectiveness of NSW Government agencies' design and implementation of TAHE. We audited TAHE, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and NSW Treasury.
Separate and related audits on TAHE are reported in 'State Finances 2022', 'State Finances 2021' and 'Transport and Infrastructure 2022' reports.
What we found
The design and implementation of TAHE, which spanned seven years, was not effective.
The process was not cohesive or transparent. It delivered an outcome that is unnecessarily complex in order to support an accounting treatment to meet the NSW Government's short-term Budget objectives, while creating an obligation for future governments.
The benefits of TAHE were claimed in the 2015–16 NSW Budget before the enabling legislation was passed by Parliament in 2017. This committed the agencies to implement a solution that justified the 2015–16 Budget impacts, regardless of any challenges that arose.
Rail safety arrangements were a priority throughout TAHE's design and implementation, and risks were raised and addressed.
Agencies relied heavily on consultants on matters related to the creation of TAHE, but failed to effectively manage these engagements. Agencies failed to ensure that consultancies delivered independent advice as an input to decision-making. A small number of firms were used repeatedly to provide advice on the same topic. The final cost of TAHE-related consultancies was $22.6 million compared to the initial estimated cost of $12.9 million.
What we recommended
We recommended that the audited agencies should:
- improve accountability and transparency for major new fiscal transformation initiatives
- ensure entities do not reflect the financial impact of significant initiatives in the Budget when there is uncertainty, or it creates perverse incentives
- review record keeping practices, systems and policies to ensure compliance with the State Records Act 1998, and the NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines
- review procurement policies to ensure that consultant use complies with all NSW Government policy requirements.
The NSW Government established the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE), a statutory State Owned Corporation (SOC), on 1 July 2020 to replace the former rail infrastructure owner – RailCorp. It is the State's custodian of rail network assets, including rail tracks and other infrastructure, rolling stock, land, train stations and facilities, retail space, and signal and power systems, within metropolitan and regional New South Wales. It is responsible for $2.8 billion of major capital projects in 2022–23.
TAHE was established under Part 2 of the Transport Administration Act 1988 and is governed by a decision-making board. The Treasurer and the Minister for Finance and Employee Relations are the Shareholding Ministers of TAHE, and they annually agree performance expectations articulated in a Statement of Corporate Intent.
Whereas TAHE is the custodian of rail assets, Sydney Trains and NSW Trains operate public rail services. TAHE does not have responsibility for the operation of the heavy rail network or train services, nor does it have network control functions. TAHE, Sydney Trains and NSW Trains are in the Transport and Infrastructure cluster in the public sector (formerly the Transport cluster and renamed in April 2022), which also includes Sydney Metro and Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
TfNSW leads the Transport and Infrastructure cluster. Its role is to set the strategic direction for transport across the State. This involves the shaping of planning, policy, strategy, regulation, resource allocation and other service and non-service delivery functions for all modes of transport.
TAHE's Operating Licence is granted by the Portfolio Minister and authorises the entity to perform the functions required to acquire, develop, finance, divest and hold assets, pursuant to the Transport Administration Act 1988. The Portfolio Minister also issues a Statement of Expectations which outlines the government’s expectation for the business for the next three to five years.
TAHE's original Portfolio Minister was the Minister for Transport who approved, on 30 June 2020, the issuing of an interim 12-month Operating Licence to enable TAHE to commence operating on 1 July 2020. The Portfolio Minister then granted TAHE's current Operating Licence in 2021. After TAHE requested a 12-month extension to its current Operating Licence, its next Operating Licence is due on 1 July 2024. The current Portfolio Minister is the Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport.
About this audit
This audit assessed the effectiveness of NSW Government agencies' design and implementation of TAHE. In making this assessment, we considered whether:
- the process of designing and implementing TAHE was cohesive and transparent, and delivered an effective outcome
- agencies' roles and responsibilities were clear in the planning of TAHE
- agencies effectively identified and managed certain risks.
The design and implementation of TAHE was not effective. The process was not cohesive or transparent. It delivered an outcome that is unnecessarily complex in order to meet the NSW Government's short-term Budget objectives, while creating an obligation for future governments to sustain TAHE through continuing investment, and funding of the state owned rail operators. The ineffective process to design TAHE delivered a model that entails significant uncertainty as to whether the anticipated longer-term financial improvements to the Budget position can be achieved or sustained.
NSW Treasury and TfNSW had different objectives for TAHE
Up to June 2013, RailCorp had been the owner and operator of rail services and maintainer of the metropolitan rail network for almost a decade. It had been operating as a not-for-profit Public Non-Financial Corporation (PNFC).
In 2012, NSW Treasury (hereafter Treasury) decided there was a risk that the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) would reclassify RailCorp to the General Government Sector (GGS), meaning depreciation expenses of approximately $870 million would be reflected in the GGS Budget. Treasury wanted to avoid this impact on the GGS Budget, and considered the establishment of a transport asset holding entity as a means to do so. Capital grants to RailCorp were being treated as an expense to the GGS Budget.
TfNSW also wanted an asset holding entity – but one that would be a non-trading ‘shell’ company with no staff that would hold and manage all public transport assets. TfNSW's concept envisaged the entity would have a structure that would enable future public transport reforms and strategic directions while ensuring vertical integration of operations between asset owners and the rail operators to maintain rail safety.
However, Treasury pursued its objective to improve the GGS Budget result, and sought to expand on TfNSW's 'shell' asset holding entity concept. Treasury wanted an entity that could generate a return on investment, as this meant that government investment in transport assets could be treated as equity investments, rather than a Budget expense, and in turn improve the GGS Budget position. As an example of the potential impact of creating this new entity, capital grants of $2.3 billion were paid to RailCorp in 2013–14. If Treasury's objective was met, grants of this significance would then be treated as an equity investment, rather than an expense in the GGS Budget.
In 2017, Treasury's preferred option was progressed through legislation, but both agencies' central objectives for the proposed asset holding entity would continue to prove difficult to reconcile. To achieve Treasury's objective to improve the Budget result, the entity would need to generate a return on investment (this is further discussed below). However, TfNSW expressed concerns that the prioritisation of rail safety, and the effective management of governance, regulation and operations would be more complex in an entity with commercial imperatives.
Asset holding entities are a common approach to the management of transport assets in Australia and internationally, and there are a range of approaches to how they are structured and used. Such structures should be driven by the goal of improved asset management. Ultimately, TfNSW's objectives could have been delivered through a simpler entity structure. However, reconciling TfNSW's objectives with Treasury's imperative to deliver and justify a Budget improvement in the short-term resulted in an overly lengthy process and an unnecessarily complex outcome that places an obligation on future governments to sustain. There is still significant uncertainty as to whether the short-term improvements to the Budget can continue to be realised in the longer-term.
The Budget benefits of TAHE were claimed before the entity was legislated, committing the agencies to deliver, regardless of the complexities that subsequently arose
The 2015–16 GGS Budget treated the government's investment in TAHE (still known at this time as RailCorp) as an equity contribution. This had the immediate impact of improving the Budget result by $1.8 billion per annum. However, the legislation to enable the establishment of TAHE had not yet been passed by Parliament, key elements of the operating model were still under development, and imminent changes in accounting standards had the potential to impact TAHE's financial model. The decision to book the benefits in the Budget early committed the involved agencies to implement a solution that justified the 2015–16 Budget impacts, irrespective of the challenges that arose.
TAHE's financial structure requires circular government investment to work
For the NSW Government to continue to treat its investment in TAHE as an equity contribution, rather than an expense to the Budget, there must be a reasonable expectation that TAHE will generate a sufficient rate of return as required by the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) framework. In doing so, it needs to recover a revaluation loss created by a $20.3 billion reduction in the value of its assets which was incurred in its first full year of operation. This loss occurred as a result of a revaluation of TAHE's assets when RailCorp (a not-for profit entity) became TAHE (a for-profit commercial entity) – and is discussed further in the 'Key findings' below.
TAHE generates a small portion of its income from transactions with the private sector but, as noted in our report 'State Finances 2021', TAHE receives the majority of its revenue (more than 80%) from access and licence fee agreements with Sydney Trains and NSW Trains. Both of these entities are funded by grants (a Budget expense) to TfNSW from the GGS Budget.
Based on Treasury’s correspondence with the ABS in 2015, TAHE was initially expected to pay a return on equity of 7% in 2016–17. The assumption of a 7% return persisted through to 2018, after the legislation enabling the establishment of TAHE was passed by Parliament. However, when the initial access and licence fees were agreed on 1 July 2020, this figure had been revised to an expected rate of return of 1.5% excluding the revaluation loss. This was below the long-term inflation target and did not include the recovery of the revaluation loss – risking the government's ability to treat its investment in TAHE as an equity contribution. Importantly, as TAHE is primarily reliant on fees paid by the state owned rail operators that, in turn, are funded by the GGS Budget (as an expense), the decision to change the returns model from 7% to 1.5% would in its own right have had a positive impact on the GGS Budget. However, the decision to use a 1.5% return would ultimately be problematic as it made it difficult to treat the government's contributions to TAHE as an equity investment, as discussed below.
On 14 December 2021, to avoid a qualified audit opinion, the NSW Government made the decision to increase TAHE's expected rate of return to 2.5%, equal to the Reserve Bank’s long-term inflation target.
In 2021-22, TAHE needed to start charging rail operators higher access and licence fees in order to generate a return of 2.5%, so as to support the government's treatment of its investment in TAHE as an equity contribution in the GGS Budget. This meant the government needed to provide additional grant (expense) funding to the state owned rail operators so they could pay the increased access and licence fees to TAHE. Based on current projections, TAHE is not expected to recover the revaluation loss until 2046.
There remains a risk that TAHE will not be able to generate a sufficient return on the NSW Government's investment without relying on increased funding to state owned rail operators so that they can in turn pay the higher access and licence fees. TAHE's ability to generate returns on government investment from other sources are uncertain and may not be achievable or sustainable. Current modelling highlights that TAHE remains largely reliant, through to 2046, on increasing fees (which are assumed to increase at 2.5% per annum from 2031 onwards when the current 10 year contracts with rail operators expire) paid by the state owned rail operators that remain principally reliant on GGS Budget grants.
The process of designing and implementing TAHE was not transparent to independent scrutiny
Our report 'State Finances 2021' commented that Treasury did not always provide this Office with information relating to TAHE on a timely basis. Similarly, during this performance audit, there were also multiple instances where auditees were unable to provide documentation regarding key activities in the process to deliver TAHE. Agencies also applied higher sensitivity classifications to large tranches of documents than was justified or required by policy. Of particular concern is the incorrect classification of documents as Cabinet sensitive information. The incorrect or over-classification of documentation as Cabinet sensitive delayed this Office's ability to provide scrutiny or independent assurance.
There was a lack of clarity around the roles and responsibilities of governance structures set up to oversee the design and implementation of TAHE
From 2014, multiple workstreams and advisory committees were established to progress the design and implementation of TAHE. For some of these committees and workstreams, there is limited information on what they were tasked to do and what they achieved. Most had ceased meeting by 2018, before significant work needed to deliver TAHE was completed.
The lack of clarity around the roles and responsibilities of these governance structures reduced opportunities for TfNSW and Treasury to reconcile their differing objectives for TAHE, and resolve key questions earlier in the process.
There was a heavy reliance on consulting firms throughout the process to establish TAHE, and the management of consultant engagements failed to ensure that agencies received independent advice to support objective decision-making
In 2020, Treasury and TfNSW failed to prevent, identify, or adequately manage a conflict of interest when they engaged the same 'Big 4' consulting firm to work on separate TAHE-related projects. Both agencies used the firm's work to further their respective views with regard to the financial implications of TAHE's operating model. At this time those views were still unreconciled.
Treasury engaged the firm to provide a fiscal risk management strategy and advice on the impact of changes to accounting standards. TfNSW engaged the same firm to develop operating and financial models for TAHE, which raised concerns regarding the viability of TAHE. Disputes arose around the findings of these reports. Treasury disagreed with some of the outcomes of the work commissioned by TfNSW, relating to accounting treatment and fiscal advice.
The management of this conflict (real or perceived) was left to the 'Big 4' consulting firm when it was more appropriate for it to be managed by Treasury and TfNSW. If these agencies had communicated more effectively, used available governance structures consistently, and shared information openly about their use of the firm and the nature of their respective engagements, these disputes might have been avoided. This issue, coupled with deficiencies in procurement by both agencies, reflected and further perpetuated the lack of cohesion in the design and implementation of TAHE.
More broadly, over the period 2014 – 2021, 16 separate consulting firms were employed to work on 36 contracts, valued at over $22.56 million, relating to TAHE ranging from accounting and legal advice, project management, and the provision of administrative support and secretariat services.
Consultants are legitimately used by agencies to provide advice on how to achieve the outcomes determined by government, including advising agencies on the risks and challenges in achieving those outcomes. Similarly, consultants can provide expert knowledge in the service of achieving those outcomes and managing the risks. However, the heavy reliance on consulting firms during the design and implementation of TAHE heightened the risk that agencies were not receiving value for money, were outsourcing tasks that should be performed by the public service, and did not mitigate the risk that the advice received was not objective and impartial. The risk that the role of consultants could have been blurred between providing independent advice to government on options and facilitating a pre-determined outcome was not effectively treated or mitigated. This risk was amplified because a small number of firms were used repeatedly to provide advice on one topic. The effective procurement and management of consultants is an obligation of government agencies.
Appendix two – Classification of government entities
Appendix three – About the audit
Appendix four – Performance auditing
Copyright notice
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Parliamentary reference - Report number #372 - released 24 January 2023
Actions for Treasury 2022
Treasury 2022
What the report is about
Results of the Treasury cluster agencies' financial statement audits for the year ended 30 June 2022.
The results of the audit of the NSW Government's consolidated Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA), which is prepared by NSW Treasury, are reported separately in our report on 'State Finances 2022'.
What we found
Unmodified audit opinions were issued on all 30 June 2022 general purpose financial statement audits.
Qualified audit opinions were issued on three of the 25 other engagements prepared by cluster agencies. These related to payments made from Special Deposit Accounts (SDA) that did not comply with the relevant legislation.
What the key issues were
Commercial agreements were signed between TAHE, the operators and Transport for NSW in June 2022, which reflected an expected rate of return of 2.5% on contributed equity. However, it remains critical that the government continue to provide sufficient funding to the operators so they can pay for access and use TAHE assets. These findings are reported in our report on 'State Finances 2022'.
Eight high-risk issues were raised in 2021–22, of which five relate to NSW Treasury.
A number of previously reported audit findings and recommendations with respect to icare continue to be ongoing issues. This includes the Workers Compensation Nominal Insurer continuing to hold less assets than the estimated present value of its future payment obligations, when measured in accordance with the accounting framework.
What we recommended
Our report on 'State Finances 2022' made several recommendations to improve NSW Treasury's processes.
In this report, we recommended icare should ensure:
- it has sufficient controls in place over claim payments, including an effective quality assurance program, to minimise claim payment errors
- that documentation to support PIAWE calculations is appropriately maintained, and that the minimum documentation requirements are set out in a policy.
This report provides Parliament and other users of the Treasury cluster’s financial statements with the results of our audits, analysis, conclusions and recommendations in the following areas:
- financial reporting
- audit observations.
Financial reporting is an important element of good governance. Confidence and transparency in public sector decision-making are enhanced when financial reporting is accurate and timely.
This chapter outlines our audit observations related to the financial reporting of agencies in the Treasury cluster (the cluster) for 2022.
Section highlights
Appropriate financial controls help ensure the efficient and effective use of resources and administration of agency policies. They are essential for quality and timely decision making.
This chapter outlines our observations and insights from our financial statement audits of agencies in the Treasury cluster.
Section highlights
Appendix one – Misstatements in financial statements submitted for audit
Appendix two – Early close procedures
Appendix three – Timeliness of financial reporting
Appendix four – Financial data
Appendix five – Acquittals and other opinions
Copyright notice
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Actions for State Finances 2022
State Finances 2022
What the report is about
Results of the 2021–22 consolidated General Government Sector (GGS) and Total State Sector (TSS) financial statements audits.
What we found
The Independent Auditor’s Report on the 2021–22 GGS and TSS financial statements was modified with a limitation of scope and also contained an emphasis of matter.
The opinion in the TSS Independent Auditor’s Report was modified with a limitation of scope on certain balances consolidated in the TSS financial statements because the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (CMCT) denied access to its management, books and records for the purpose of conducting a financial audit.
The Independent Auditor’s Report also includes an emphasis of matter drawing attention to the significant uncertainties associated with the GGS’s equity investment in Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE). The significant uncertainty relates to key assumptions and estimates used to forecast a 2.5% return from GGS investments into TAHE that supports the accounting treatment as an equity injection, including:
- funding to support the Rail Operators to pay TAHE’s contracted and forecast access and licence fees up until 2045–46. The Rail Operators are dependent on funding from the GGS to pay access and licence fees. Forecast modelling notes a requirement of a further $10.2 billion in budget funding to pay TAHE to the end of the ten-year contract period in 2030–31, in addition to the $5.5 billion allocated in the forward estimates and up to $50.8 billion for the period 2032 to 2046
- a significant portion of the projected returns are earnt outside of the ten-year contract period and there is a risk that TAHE may not be able to recontract fees at levels consistent with current projections.
What we recommended
The report includes a number of recommendations including:
- continued monitoring that TAHE controls the reported assets ensuring the CMCT, Category 2 Statutory Land Managers (SLM) and Commons Trusts meet their statutory reporting obligations
- ensuring accounting and audit position papers are sufficiently consulted with key stakeholders and are concluded on a timely basis
- ensuring agencies support the timely conclusion of audits by bringing to the auditors' attention key Cabinet records and identifying references relating to accounting issues impacting the financial statements
- for Special Deposit Accounts (SDA) responsible managers should ensure amounts appropriated under any Act or law for payment into the account are appropriately recorded, ensuring payments from SDAs are allowable and made in accordance with Treasurer's delegations and standing authorisation.
Pursuant to section 52A of the Government Sector Audit Act 1983 I am pleased to present my Auditor-General’s Report on State Finances 2022.
Once again this year has presented considerable challenges for the state sector and my Office as we collectively grapple with uncertainties related to COVID-19 and the disruption of emergency events impacting New South Wales. In addition, there were many recommendations arising from last year’s audit to be addressed.
While there is more to do to ensure good financial stewardship of the State, resolution of matters was helped by constructive engagement with the NSW Treasury at the most senior levels. Personally I wish to thank the Treasurer and Secretary for their commitment to instilling integrity in financial management systems and processes. The support Treasury provided for recent amendments to the Government Sector Audit Act 1983 to provide ‘follow the dollar’ powers and other changes recommended by the Public Accounts Committee quadrennial review of my Office is also acknowledged.
Finally I want to thank the teams that contributed to this year’s audit of the Total State Accounts for their diligence, professionalism and commitment. I am very proud of your work.
Margaret Crawford
Auditor-General for New South Wales
The Independent Auditor's Report was qualified and also included an emphasis of matter
The audit opinion on the State's 2021–22 financial statements was modified. The delayed signing of the NSW Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA) by NSW Treasury was in order to resolve significant accounting issues that were material to the TSSA. The key areas requiring significant audit effort included reviewing the State's accounting for TCorp Investment Management (IM) Funds and responding to the risks related to the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (CMCT) denying access to its management and books and records, which is detailed in this Report.
NSW Treasury aimed to sign the TSSA by 19 October 2022. This was delayed by nearly six weeks and the TSSA audit opinion was subsequently signed on the statutory deadline imposed on the Treasurer for tabling of the TSSA in the Legislative Assembly of 30 November 2022.
The Independent Auditor’s Report was modified due to a limitation of scope on the balances consolidated in the TSSA relating to the CMCT
The opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report was modified with a limitation of scope due to the inability to access management, books and records of a controlled entity, the CMCT.
This year, NSW Treasury, after reconsidering all facts and the perspectives of the CMCT, reconfirmed that the CMCT is a controlled entity of the State for financial reporting purposes. This means CMCT is a GSF agency under the provisions of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSF Act). As such NSW Treasury is required by Australian Accounting Standards to consolidate the CMCT into the Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA). The value of assets and liabilities of CMCT consolidated into the TSSA is $310.3 million and $15.1 million, respectively, and the loss of CMCT consolidated into the TSSA for the year is $2.4 million.
To date, CMCT has not met its statutory obligations to prepare financial statements under the GSF Act and give them to the Auditor-General. CMCT has not submitted its financial statements to the Auditor-General for audit as required despite repeated requests and has not provided access to its books and records for the purposes of a financial audit. The Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment wrote to CMCT to request it work with, and offer full assistance to, the Auditor-General in the exercise of her duties.
NSW Treasury has met with and considered CMCT's perspectives. NSW Treasury’s position remains that CMCT is a controlled entity of the State for financial reporting purposes. Consequently, CMCT has not met its statutory obligations as a controlled entity to submit its financial statements for audit and provide access to its books and records. Therefore, the Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the carrying amount of assets and liabilities consolidated into the Total State Sector Accounts as at 30 June 2022 and of the amount of income and expenses for the year then ended. Accordingly a modified audit opinion was issued on the NSW Government's 2021–22 consolidated financial statements.
Section 3 of this report titled 'Limitation of Scope relating to CMCT' discusses this matter in further detail.
An emphasis of matter drawing attention to uncertainty relating to the General Government Sector's investment in the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) remains
The Independent Auditor’s Report also includes an emphasis of matter, drawing attention to the significant uncertainties associated with the General Government Sector's (GGS) equity investment in TAHE. The significant uncertainty relates to key assumptions used to forecast returns from investments into TAHE in order to support the recognition of the government's funding of TAHE as an equity injection.
At the time of signing the Independent Auditor's Report, there was significant uncertainty with regards to assumptions and estimates used to forecast a return from the GGS investment into TAHE, which supports the recognition of an equity injection. There is significant uncertainty relating to:
- the 2022–23 Budget committed $5.5 billion to fund TAHE's key customers, Sydney Trains and NSW Trains (the operators), to support their payment of access and licence fees agreed on 23 June 2022. However, this funding only extends out to the end of the forward estimates period in 2025–26, which falls short of the ten-year contractual periods to 2030–31 and the projected period to 2045–46 to achieve a 2.5% return from the government's equity investment. The government will need to fund the operators an additional $10.2 billion in Budget funding so that they can meet their contractual obligations to TAHE from 2026–27 to 2030–31, and a further projected funding of $50.8 billion from 2031 to 2046. This additional funding is not within the government's published Budget figures, leading to uncertainty on whether the government-funded operators can pay access and licence fees beyond the forward estimates period of 2025–26
- a significant portion of the projected returns are earnt outside the ten-year contract period (terminating 30 June 2031) and there is a risk that TAHE will not be able to recontract for access and licence fees at a level that is consistent with current projections. There is also a risk that funding for TAHE's key customers will not be sufficient to fund payment of access and licence fees at a level that is consistent with current projections.
The 'State Finances 2021' report made recommendations regarding the significant accounting issues relating to TAHE. The State's response to these recommendations are detailed in Section 4 of this report titled ‘Investment in the Transport Asset Holding Entity’. Other significant matters related to the TSSA audit are covered in Section 8 titled ‘Key audit findings’.
Other financial reporting matters
All government agencies were granted an extra week to submit financial statements for audit
A one-week extension provided agencies across the sector with additional time to resolve key accounting issues and submit financial statements for audit by 1 August 2022.
Further extensions were approved for the following seven agencies (ten in 2020–21):
- State Insurance Regulatory Authority (3 August 2022)
- Dams Safety NSW (8 August 2022)
- Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust (8 August 2022)
- Transport for NSW (8 August 2022)
- Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade (22 August 2022)
- Transport Asset Holding Entity (22 August 2022)
- Department of Transport (26 August 2022).
Additional extensions provided agencies with more time to complete:
- asset valuations
- valuations of actuarially assessed liabilities.
An initial draft of the TSSA was provided to audit on 15 September 2022. This version was incomplete and excluded the impact of consolidating the State's TCorp IM funds under the correct Australian Accounting Standards. An additional three versions of the draft TSSA were provided to audit progressively to update the TCorp IM fund consolidated balances. The final complete version of the TSSA was submitted on 27 October 2022 which included all adjustments relating to the TCorp IM fund consolidation. Refer to section 8.1 for more details on the material restatements relating to the consolidation of the TCorp IM funds.
In 2021–22, agency financial statements presented for audit contained 20 errors exceeding $20 million (24 in 2020–21). The total value of these errors was $973 million, a decrease from the previous year ($6.6 billion in 2020–21).
The graph below shows the number of reported errors exceeding $20 million over the past five years in agencies’ financial statements presented for audit.
The errors resulted from:
- incorrect application of Australian Accounting Standards and NSW Treasury policies
- incorrect judgements and assumptions when valuing non-current physical assets and liabilities.
NSW Treasury concluded CMCT is a controlled entity of the State
In response to our recommendation in the ‘State Finances 2021’ report, NSW Treasury reconfirmed that the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (CMCT) is a controlled entity of the State. The Audit Office accepted the position of NSW Treasury.
The reaffirmation of this position means CMCT is a GSF agency under the provisions of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (GSF Act). Section 7.6 of the GSF Act places an obligation on CMCT to prepare financial statements and give them to the Auditor-General. Further, section 34 of the Government Sector Audit Act 1983 (the GSA Act) requires the Auditor-General to furnish an audit report on these financial statements.
To date, CMCT has not met its statutory obligations to prepare financial statements under the GSF Act and give them to the Auditor-General. CMCT has not submitted their financial statements to the Auditor-General for audit despite repeated requests and has not provided access to its books and records for the purposes of a financial audit. There was extensive correspondence between the Audit Office of NSW, CMCT, NSW Treasury and the Department of Planning and Environment in 2022 regarding this matter.
RecommendationNSW Treasury and the Department of Planning and Environment should ensure the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust meets its statutory reporting obligations. |
In addition, on 10 December 2021, the then Minister for Water, Property and Housing wrote to the Auditor-General requesting a financial and performance audit be performed pursuant to section 27B(3)(c) of the GSA Act. The audit would cover the financial affairs of CMCT, including whether funds have been used for the proper purpose. The Audit Office of New South Wales has written to CMCT on a number of occasions to request the provision of documentation and access to management in order to conduct the performance audit. CMCT has not provided the Audit Office of New South Wales access to its management, books and records for the purpose of the required performance audit.
NSW Treasury has met with and considered CMCT's perspectives. NSW Treasury’s position remains that CMCT is a controlled entity of the State for financial reporting purposes. Consequently, CMCT did not meet its statutory obligations as a controlled entity to submit its financial statements for audit and provide access to its books and records.
The TSSA audit opinion included a limitation of scope
The opinion in the TSSA Independent Auditor’s Report was modified with a limitation of scope due to an inability to access management and the books and records of CMCT. This limitation was appropriately disclosed in Note 1 'Statement of Significant Accounting Policies' of the TSSA. The Statement of Compliance signed by the Secretary of Treasury and the Treasurer on 29 November 2022 was also updated to acknowledge the disclosure in Note 1 regarding CMCT.
The Audit Office was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the carrying amount of assets and liabilities consolidated into the Total State Sector Accounts as at 30 June 2022 and of the amount of income and expenses for the year then ended. Accordingly a modified audit opinion was issued on the NSW Government's 2021–22 consolidated financial statements.
The process of information sharing by NSW Treasury continues to require improvement
In last year’s ‘State Finances 2021’ report an extreme risk management letter finding was reported for NSW Treasury to ensure it significantly improve its processes so that all relevant information is identified and shared with the Audit Office to support material transactions and balances of the State.
A number of events reconfirmed that NSW Treasury needs to continue improving its process with respect to information sharing with the Audit Office. Notably, NSW Treasury’s finance team had not demonstrated that all available information (on their systems) was considered by them when assessing the State’s control over CMCT.
Critical information relating to CMCT was in the possession of NSW Treasury since late October 2021 but not considered when reconfirming their accounting position on the State's control of CMCT this year. A further reconfirmation of the State's control over CMCT was needed by NSW Treasury to ensure this information was considered in their accounting assessment.
The above demonstrates that more effective consultation is required by NSW Treasury with key stakeholders to ensure all information relevant to forming an accounting position relating to the TSSA is captured. This will ensure new information is not identified late in the audit process and NSW Treasury considers all information when concluding on the accounting position of the State.
RecommendationNSW Treasury should ensure when drafting position papers and concluding on accounting issues impacting the State, these are provided to audit on a timely basis and reflect a complete and accurate understanding of the key public sector issues being considered. |
Last year's report highlighted that NSW Government actions avoided a qualified opinion in 2020–21 relating to the General Government Sector's $2.4 billion cash contribution to Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE). These actions included the NSW Government agreeing to provide additional future funding to TAHE's key government customers Sydney Trains and NSW Trains (the operators) to support increases in access and licence fees to be paid to TAHE.
The additional funding by the government was necessary to demonstrate that a reasonable expectation of a sufficient rate of return would be earned on its equity invested in TAHE. Last year, there was no government policy on what the minimum return should be on investments in other public sector entities, so the long-term inflation rate was used as a benchmark. A recommendation was made in last year's State Finances report that NSW Treasury establish a policy on the minimum expected return from its investments.
On 6 September 2022, NSW Treasury finalised its policy relating to the government’s returns on equity investments. The application of this policy is limited to State Owned Corporations and similar to the Commonwealth framework for commercial businesses, which requires the expected return be at least equal to the long-term inflation rate.
The government's commitment to additional funding was conveyed last year through revised shareholder expectations being published in the 2021–22 'NSW Budget-Half yearly Review' on 16 December 2021, increasing the expected returns on equity from 1.5% to the expected long-term inflation rate of 2.5%. On 18 December 2021, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and the operators entered into a Heads of Agreement (HoA). This formed the basis of negotiations to revise the pricing within the existing ten-year contracts and deliver upon the shareholders’ expected return of 2.5% on contributed equity to be earned over the estimated weighted average remaining useful lives of TAHE's assets.
Further information on last year's audit of the government’s investment in TAHE can be found in our 'State Finances 2021' report.
Ten-year commercial agreements were signed between TAHE, operators and TfNSW
Last year's State Finances report recommended that NSW Treasury facilitate revised commercial agreements to reflect the access and licence fees detailed in the HoA. As these agreements were not executed by 30 June 2021, last year's audit opinion of the Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA) included an Emphasis of Matter drawing attention to the uncertainty that existed at balance date as these agreements were not finalised.
On 23 June 2022, commercial agreements were signed between TAHE, the operators and Transport for NSW through a deed of variation. The revised access and licence fees for the ten-year period 2021–22 to 2030–31 was $16.6 billion, which is $520 million less than the HoA fees of $17.1 billion.
Comparison | FY22 $m |
FY23 $m |
FY24 $m |
FY25 $m |
FY26 $m |
FY27 $m |
FY28 $m |
FY29 $m |
FY30 $m |
FY31 $m |
Total $m |
Revised commercial agreements | 641.1 | 911.8 | 1,298.1 | 1,585 | 1,807.3 | 1,921.8 | 1,992 | 2,065.4 | 2,139.1 | 2,252.8 | 16,614.4 |
HoA | 679.9 | 1,081.4 | 1,236 | 1,398.9 | 1,645.8 | 1,826.1 | 2,023.3 | 2,209.4 | 2,404.5 | 2,629.2 | 17,134.6 |
Difference | (38.8) | (169.6) | 62.1 | 186.1 | 161.5 | 95.7 | (31.3) | (144) | (265.4) | (376.4) | (520.2) |
TAHE's main customers principally rely on government funding to pay access and licence fees
Whilst TAHE has agreed ten-year access and licence fees of $16.6 billion with its two main customers Sydney Trains and NSW Trains, these two operators significantly rely on government funding when making these payments to TAHE. At 30 June 2022, TAHE's expected return of 2.5% is contingent upon the GGS funding the operators to support their payment of access and licence fees that have been agreed with TAHE for the ten-year contracted period and for non-contracted periods from 2031–32 to 2045–46.
The 2022–23 NSW Budget has allocated $5.5 billion to fund the operators, to support their payment of access and licence fees. However, this funding extends to the end of the forward estimates period in 2025–26, which falls short of the ten-year contractual period to 2030–2031 and the projected period to 2045–46 to achieve the 2.5% return.
2022–261 $b |
2027–20312 $b |
2032–46 $b |
Total $b |
Access and licence fees3 | 5.5 | 10.2 | 50.8 | 66.5 |
The government will need to fund the operators an additional $10.2 billion in budget funding to meet their contractual obligations to TAHE from 2026–27 to 2030–2031, and a further projected funding of $50.8 billion from 2032 to 2046. This is needed to ensure the government continues to demonstrate its expected return on investment of 2.5%. This additional funding is not within the government's published 2022–23 NSW Budget figures, leading to uncertainty on whether the government funded operators can pay access and licence fees beyond the forward estimate period of 2025–26.
Significant funding uncertainties remain
While the ten-year access and licence fee agreements were communicated to the NSW Government's Expenditure Review Committee, it is yet to be fully provided for in the government's budget figures. As TAHE's projections are highly dependent on the operators as its key customers, it remains critical that the government continue to provide sufficient funding to the operators so they can pay for access and use of TAHE assets. This means the significant funding uncertainties reported in last year's TSSA audit opinion remain for 2021–22.
The government has estimated $37.9 billion in returns (equivalent to 2.5% on contributed equity) is to be earned from its investment in TAHE over the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2046. As previously reported, TAHE derives most of its revenue from access and licence fee agreements from the operators, who in turn are both funded by grants through TfNSW from the GGS. More than 95% of these returns are estimated to be earned outside of the ten-year contract period (terminating 30 June 2031).
2022–261 $b |
2027–20312 $b |
2032–46 $b |
Total $b |
Returns to GGS | 1.8 | 4.7 | 31.5 | 37.9 |
There remains risk that:
- TAHE will not be able to recontract for access and licence fees at a level that is consistent with current projections
- future governments' funding to TAHE's key customers will not be sufficient to fund payment of access and licence fees at a level that is consistent with current projections
- TAHE will be unable to grow its non-government revenues.
This significant funding uncertainty was also reported in last year's TSSA audit opinion and will remain for 2021–22.
In 2021–22, TAHE and NSW Treasury prepared further modelling to support the Government's intent to earn a 2.5% return inclusive of recovering the holding (revaluation) loss of $20.3 billion on its investment in TAHE
Last year's State Finances report highlighted that NSW Treasury, with TAHE, should prepare robust projections and business plans to support the expected returns forecast beyond FY2031.
This year TAHE engaged an expert to help develop a model demonstrating the government's expected returns from its investment in TAHE. The model mathematically forecasts that returns of 2.5% will be achieved by 2046 and this will include recovery of the revaluation losses of $20.3 billion relating to 2020–21.
The current model includes some key assumptions:
- The main source of revenue is the access and licence fees expected from the two public rail operators (Sydney Trains and NSW Trains) contributing to more than 80% of TAHE's projected revenue. The rail operators are largely funded by the government when paying access and licence fees to TAHE.
- For the first ten years, the access and licence fees are based on the signed agreements between TAHE and the public rail operators.
- Beyond the ten-year contracted period, the model assumes existing contractual terms for access and licence fees will continue unchanged allowing for an annual rise for inflation (2.5% per annum), and increased fees to enable a 7.62% return for renewed assets.
- The capital expenditure included in the model is only the amounts approved by the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) as part of the ten-year forecast. The model beyond ten years includes expected investment in renewed and replacement assets but excludes any forecasts relating to growth capex that is not approved by the ERC, and any related depreciation expenses for growth capex.
While management has developed a 35-year long term financial model to support the returns, we note this will need to be refined over the next few years. Furthermore, these are forecasted figures and we have not seen sufficient evidence of whether this reflects reality (that is, the achievement of dividends representing a return on equity) as it is still very early. Therefore, this will remain a high-risk matter until we have seen sufficient evidence of reality to the forecasted figures.
There is negative net impact on the budget after 2024–25 and this will grow in the future
There are some key points to highlight with this modelling and these are best conveyed with the graph below. This graph shows total cash injections made by the GGS since the government first announced the creation of TAHE as a for-profit entity in the 2015–16 NSW Budget. It also conveys the forecast returns from TAHE to the GGS and the level of funding operators will need from the GGS to pay TAHE's access and licence fees over the 30-year period. These cash flows are key inputs used in the modelling which calculates a 2.5% return from TAHE inclusive of recovering the holding (revaluation) loss of $20.3 billion.
The government continues to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on New South Wales through its economic stimulus measures
The COVID-19 pandemic continued to significantly impact the State’s finances, reducing revenue and increasing expenses especially in sectors directly responsible for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as Health. In October 2021, the government announced through the 'COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategy' an additional $2.8 billion in economic stimulus and response measures following the conclusion of the three-month lockdown due to the Delta COVID-19 outbreak. Measures included:
- $739 million in household and social support, including housing support for Aboriginal communities and survivors of domestic violence, and vouchers to thank parents for their efforts to support learning from home
- $500 million to consumers and businesses including expansion of the 'Dine & Discover' and 'Stay & Rediscover' voucher programs
- $495 million in education support addressing learning gaps for children and helping schools prepare for future learning disruptions
- $487 million in combined funding for tourism, events, sports, and recreation throughout New South Wales
- $130 million to fund mental health services for individuals whose mental health was impacted by the pandemic.
The 2021–22 financial year included $21.9 billion for pandemic response and economic stimulus measures. Of this, $17.9 billion was spent in 2021–22 while a further $1 billion of the budgeted amount from 2021–22 was carried forward into 2022–23. The graph below shows the total allocation and spend by cluster for 2022 compared to target spend.
There were 14 natural disaster declarations including four severe weather events in 2021–22
Natural disasters such as bushfires, storms, floods, and other adverse weather events can have a significant impact on the State's finances. Costs associated with natural disasters include direct response costs such as clean-up and recovery, temporary accommodation, and as well as financial assistance provided to impacted communities such as recovery and business support grants.
The NSW Government can make a natural disaster declaration allowing eligible individuals and communities from impacted Local Government Areas access to a range of special financial assistance measures.
In 2021–22, there were 14 natural disaster declarations announced comparable to 14 in the previous year. These natural disaster declarations largely related to storms and floods throughout the State. In 2021–22, there was a larger number of 'severe weather' events declared, with four in 2021–22 (nil in 2020–21).
Natural disaster expenses increased 143% to $1.4 billion in 2021–22, up from $569 million last year
Over 2021–22, the budgeted cost for declared natural disasters was $1.9 billion ($725 million in 2020–21). Actual expenditure by the State on disaster response increased by $815 million to $1.4 billion. The graph below shows the total allocation and spend by cluster for 2022 compared to their budget spend.
Deficit of $15.3 billion compared with a budgeted deficit of $8.6 billion
The outcomes of the government’s overall activity and policies are reflected in its net operating balance (budget result). This is the difference between the cost of general government service delivery and the revenue earned to fund these sectors.
The General Government Sector, which comprises 196 entities, generally provides goods and services funded centrally by the State.
In addition to the 196 entities within the General Government Sector, a further 85 government controlled businesses are included within the consolidated Total State Sector financial statements. These businesses generally provide goods and services, such as water, electricity and financial services for which consumers pay for directly, and form part of the PNFC (31) and PFC (54) sectors.
The budget result for the 2021–22 financial year was a deficit of $15.3 billion compared to an original forecast of a budget deficit of $8.6 billion.
Revenues increased $16.1 billion to $106.7 billion
The State’s total revenues increased $16.1 billion to $106.7 billion, an increase of 17.8% compared to the previous year. Total revenue growth in 2020–21 was 5.1%. The State's increase in revenue was mostly from $9.2 billion in grants and subsidies and $4.6 billion in taxation.
Taxation revenue increased by 13.3%
Taxation revenue increased by $4.6 billion, mainly due to the net of:
- $4.9 billion higher stamp duties collected from property sales driven by growth in property transaction volumes and prices during 2021–22. This was growth was experienced across residential and commercial property markets
- $296 million lower gambling and betting taxes compared to 2020–21. Decrease was primarily attributed to the ongoing effects of COVID-19 restrictions and venue closures within the first half of 2021–22.
Stamp duties of $16.6 billion remains the largest source of taxation revenue, $7.7 billion higher than payroll tax of $8.9 billion, the second-largest source of taxation revenue.
Assets grew by $53 billion to $571 billion
The State’s assets include physical assets such as land, buildings and infrastructure, and financial assets such as cash, and other financial instruments and equity investments. The value of total assets increased by $53.2 billion or 10.3% to $571 billion. The increase was largely due to increases in the carrying value of land, buildings and infrastructure systems.
Valuing the State’s physical assets
State’s physical assets valued at $437 billion
The value of the State’s physical assets increased by $46.8 billion to $437 billion in 2021–22 ($724 million increase in 2020–21). The State’s physical assets include land and buildings ($198 billion), infrastructure systems ($221 billion), and plant and equipment ($18 billion).
The movement in physical asset values between years includes additions, disposals, depreciation and valuation adjustments. Other movements include assets reclassified to held for sale and other opening balance adjustments.
Appendix one – Prescribed entities
Appendix three – TSS sectors and entities
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© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.
Actions for Audit Insights 2018-2022
Audit Insights 2018-2022
What the report is about
In this report, we have analysed the key findings and recommendations from our audit reports over the past four years.
This analysis includes financial audits, performance audits, and compliance audits of state and local government entities that were tabled in NSW Parliament between July 2018 and February 2022.
The report is framed by recognition that the past four years have seen significant challenges and emergency events.
The scale of government responses to these events has been wide-ranging, involving emergency response coordination, service delivery, governance and policy.
The report is a resource to support public sector agencies and local government to improve future programs and activities.
What we found
Our analysis of findings and recommendations is structured around six key themes:
- Integrity and transparency
- Performance and monitoring
- Governance and oversight
- Cyber security and data
- System planning for disruption
- Resource management.
The report draws from this analysis to present recommendations for elements of good practice that government agencies should consider in relation to these themes. It also includes relevant examples from recent audit reports.
In this report we particularly call out threats to the integrity of government systems, processes and governance arrangements.
The report highlights the need for balanced advice to government on options and risks, for transparent documentation and reporting of directions and decisions, and for early and open sharing of information with integrity bodies and audit.
A number of the matters highlighted in this report are similar to those described in our previous Insights Report, (Performance Audit Insights: key findings from 2014–2018) specifically in relation to cyber and information security, to performance measurement, reporting and evaluation, and system and workforce planning and capability.
Fast facts
- 72 audits included in the Audit Insights 2018–2022 analysis
- 4 years of audits tabled by the Auditor-General for New South Wales
- 6 key themes for Audit Insights 2018–2022.
I am pleased to present the Audit Insights 2018–2022 report. This report describes key findings, trends and lessons learned from the last four years of audit. It seeks to inform the New South Wales Parliament of key risks identified and to provide insights and suggestions to the agencies we audit to improve performance across the public sector.
The report is framed by a very clear recognition that governments have been responding to significant events, in number, character and scale, over recent years. Further, it acknowledges that public servants at both state and council levels generally bring their best selves to work and diligently strive to deliver great outcomes for citizens and communities. The role of audit in this context is to provide necessary assurance over government spending, programs and services, and make suggestions for continuous improvement.
A number of the matters highlighted in this report are similar to those described in our previous Insights Report, (Performance Audit Insights: key findings from 2014–2018) specifically in relation to cyber and information security, to performance measurement, reporting and evaluation, and system and workforce planning and capability.
However, in this report we particularly call out threats to the integrity of government systems, processes and governance arrangements. We highlight the need for balanced advice to government on options and risks, for transparent documentation and reporting of directions and decisions, and for early and open sharing of information with integrity bodies and audit. Arguably, these considerations are never more important than in an increasingly complex environment and in the face of significant emergency events and they will be key areas of focus in our future audit program.
While we have acknowledged the challenges of the last few years have required rapid responses to address the short-term impacts of emergency events, there is much to be learned to improve future programs. I trust that the insights developed in this report provide a helpful resource to public sector agencies and local government across New South Wales. I would be pleased to receive any feedback you may wish to offer.
Margaret Crawford
Auditor-General for New South Wales
Integrity and transparency | Performance and monitoring | Governance and oversight | Cyber security and data | System planning | Resource management |
Insufficient documentation of decisions reduces the ability to identify, or rule out, misconduct or corruption. | Failure to apply lessons learned risks mistakes being repeated and undermines future decisions on the use of public funds. | The control environment should be risk-based and keep pace with changes in the quantum and diversity of agency work. | Building effective cyber resilience requires leadership and committed executive management, along with dedicated resourcing to build improvements in cyber security and culture. | Priorities to meet forecast demand should incorporate regular assessment of need and any emerging risks or trends. Absence of an overarching strategy to guide decision-making results in project-by-project decisions lacking coordination. | Governments must weigh up the cost of reliance on consultants at the expense of internal capability, and actively manage contracts and conflicts of interest. |
Government entities should report to the public at both system and project level for transparency and accountability. | Government activities benefit from a clear statement of objectives and associated performance measures to support systematic monitoring and reporting on outcomes and impact. | Management of risk should include mechanisms to escalate risks, and action plans to mitigate risks with effective controls. | In implementing strategies to mitigate cyber risk, agencies must set target cyber maturity levels, and document their acceptance of cyber risks consistent with their risk appetite. | Service planning should establish future service offerings and service levels relative to current capacity, address risks to avoid or mitigate disruption of business and service delivery, and coordinate across other relevant plans and stakeholders. | Negotiations on outsourced services and major transactions must maintain focus on integrity and seeking value for public funds. |
Entities must provide balanced advice to decision-makers on the benefits and risks of investments. | Benefits realisation should identify responsibility for benefits management, set baselines and targets for benefits, review during delivery, and evaluate costs and benefits post-delivery. | Active review of policies and procedures in line with current business activities supports more effective risk management. | Governments hold repositories of valuable data and data capabilities that should be leveraged and shared across government and non-government entities to improve strategic planning and forecasting. | Formal structures and systems to facilitate coordination between agencies is critical to more efficient allocation of resources and to facilitate a timely response to unexpected events. | Transformation programs can be improved by resourcing a program management office. |
Clear guidelines and transparency of decisions are critical in distributing grant funding. | Quality assurance should underpin key inputs that support performance monitoring and accounting judgements. | Governance arrangements can enable input into key decisions from both government and non-government partners, and those with direct experience of complex issues. | Workforce planning should consider service continuity and ensure that specialist and targeted roles can be resourced and allocated to meet community need. | ||
Governments must ensure timely and complete provision of information to support governance, integrity and audit processes. | |||||
Read more | Read more | Read more | Read more | Read more | Read more |
This report brings together a summary of key findings arising from NSW Audit Office reports tabled in the New South Wales Parliament between July 2018 and February 2022. This includes analysis of financial audits, performance audits, and compliance audits tabled over this period.
- Financial audits provide an independent opinion on the financial statements of NSW Government entities, universities and councils and identify whether they comply with accounting standards, relevant laws, regulations, and government directions.
- Performance audits determine whether government entities carry out their activities effectively, are doing so economically and efficiently, and in accordance with relevant laws. The activities examined by a performance audit may include a selected program or service, all or part of an entity, or more than one government entity. Performance audits can consider issues which affect the whole state and/or the local government sectors.
- Compliance audits and other assurance reviews are audits that assess whether specific legislation, directions, and regulations have been adhered to.
This report follows our earlier edition titled 'Performance Audit Insights: key findings from 2014–2018'. That report sought to highlight issues and themes emerging from performance audit findings, and to share lessons common across government. In this report, we have analysed the key findings and recommendations from our reports over the past four years. The full list of reports is included in Appendix 1. The analysis included findings and recommendations from 58 performance audits, as well as selected financial and compliance reports tabled between July 2018 and February 2022. The number of recommendations and key findings made across different areas of activity and the top issues are summarised at Exhibit 1.
The past four years have seen unprecedented challenges and several emergency events, and the scale of government responses to these events has been wide-ranging involving emergency response coordination, service delivery, governance and policy. While these emergencies are having a significant impact today, they are also likely to continue to have an impact into the future. There is much to learn from the response to those events that will help the government sector to prepare for and respond to future disruption. The following chapters bring together our recommendations for core elements of good practice across a number of areas of government activity, along with relevant examples from recent audit reports.
This 'Audit Insights 2018–2022' report does not make comparative analysis of trends in public sector performance since our 2018 Insights report, but instead highlights areas where government continues to face challenges, as well as new issues that our audits have identified since our 2018 report. We will continue to use the findings of our Insights analysis to shape our future audit priorities, in line with our purpose to help Parliament hold government accountable for its use of public resources in New South Wales.
Appendix one – Included reports, 2018–2022
Appendix two – About this report
Copyright notice
© Copyright reserved by the Audit Office of New South Wales. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the Audit Office of New South Wales. The Audit Office does not accept responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any of this material.