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In progress

Actions for Land titles registry

Land titles registry

Management and administration

Australian Registry Investments (trading as NSW Land Registry Services) was granted the right to operate the titling and registry operations of New South Wales in April 2017, under a 35-year concession which commenced on 1 July 2017. The NSW Government continues to own the land titles register and guarantees title under the Torrens Assurance Fund. The Office of the Registrar General regulates NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) as the operator of the NSW land titles registry under a regulator-operator model. 

This audit will assess the effectiveness of the Office of the Registrar General in overseeing and monitoring the operation and maintenance of the land titles registry by a private operator to ensure the integrity and security of the registry. The audit will address the following questions: 

  • Does the Office of the Registrar General ensure that appropriate measures are taken to establish, maintain and protect the integrity (including quality) and security of information held on the land titles registry?
  • Does the Office of the Registrar General ensure that there are effective arrangements for responding and resolving breaches of performance standards or obligations relating to the integrity, quality or security of information held on the land titles registry?

The Office of the Registrar General is situated in the Better Regulation Division of the Department of Customer Service.

Estimated tabling date: February 2025


Department of Customer Service and NSW Treasury.


Actions for Security of student information

Security of student information

Cyber security
Information technology
Internal controls and governance

Schools collect and maintain detailed student data, including sensitive personal information. Schools can also require or encourage students, parents and carers to use third party software applications for learning and other school related activities. This audit will consider how effectively schools ensure student data is secure within their own systems and when provided to third or fourth parties.