The NSW Government continues to divest its interest in electricity businesses.
In 2014-15, Macquarie Generation and Delta Electricity’s Colongra power stations were sold, collectively raising over $1.7 billion in gross proceeds.
In November 2015, the NSW Government announced the lease of TransGrid for 99 years to a private sector consortium for $10.3 billion and the sale of Delta Electricity’s Vales Point power station for $1.0 million. It expects to lease 50.4 percent of Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy during 2016, but retain 100 percent ownership of Essential Energy.
Its net investment in the electricity businesses at 30 June 2015 was $10.8 billion ($11.4 billion at 30 June 2014). This comprised $14.0 million in the electricity generators, $2.1 billion in TransGrid and $8.7 billion in the distributors.