We issued unqualified audit opinions on the above agencies’ 30 June 2013 financial statements. During the year, The Treasury issued TC 13/01 ‘Mandatory early close procedures for 2013’. As a result, the law and order services agencies were required to perform early close procedures. All law and order service agencies were broadly successful in performing the procedures, which helped them submit financial statements by an earlier due date. This in turn enabled the financial statement audits to be finalised within an earlier timeframe of eight weeks (nine weeks in 2011-12).
As previously recommended, the Department of Attorney General and Justice should continue integrating policies, operations and systems between its divisions and, once complete, analyse the costs and benefits. The Department of Attorney-General and Justice should also ensure it has the necessary processes in place to enable it to regularly monitor and measure the performance and success of the Victims Support Scheme in providing a more accessible, streamlined and targeted service to victims of violent crime in New South Wales.