Land tax has a significantly higher cost to collection ratio than other State taxes. In part this is because of its design. But there are opportunities to reduce collection costs within current policy constraints. The Office of State Revenue (OSR) has been actively pursuing better practice initiatives for some time and a substantial range of improvements has been made. OSR is continuing these efforts. However, inadequate systems and continued difficulties with the quality of land information remains as an impediment to efforts to increase efficiency and effectiveness and reduce collection costs.
Improvements canvassed in this Report (a number of which OSR had already been addressing before the audit commenced) would provide reduced collection costs (through greater efficiency) and improved collection results (through better education of taxpayers and better use of penalties and incentives). Notwithstanding these improvements, the long standing issues of land information standards and land ownership data compatibility between NSW agencies (largely outside OSR’s control) remain to be satisfactorily resolved.
Parliamentary reference - Report number #51 - released 5 August 1998