Northern Beaches Hospital
In 2014, the State entered into a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with a private operator to deliver the Northern Beaches Hospital. The Northern Beaches Hospital opened in late 2018 and provides free public patient services as well as a range of services for private patients.
This audit will examine whether the Northern Beaches Hospital PPP is efficiently and effectively delivering public hospital services.
In doing so, the audit will answer the following questions:
- Do NSW Health agencies ensure the effective and efficient delivery of public funded hospital services from the Northern Beaches Hospital?
- Do NSW Health agencies effectively identify and monitor risks to the success of the Northern Beaches Hospital?
- Do NSW Health agencies collect the information required to ensure effective delivery of public hospital services at the Northern Beaches Hospital?
- Do NSW Health agencies effectively manage the Northern Beaches Hospital contract to ensure effective delivery of public hospital services at the Northern Beaches Hospital?
- Is the Northern Sydney Local Health District using the Northern Beaches Hospital Public Private Partnership to achieve efficient service delivery?
- Is the operator of the Northern Beaches Hospital effectively delivering public hospital services in selected clinical areas?
- Does the Northern Beaches Hospital meet contract requirements for performance, planning and reporting?
- Does the Northern Beaches Hospital provide quality care consistent with equivalent public health facilities in NSW?
Included within the scope:
- The parties to the Northern Beaches Hospital contract deed: Northern Sydney Local Health District, the Ministry of Health (as the delegate for the Health Administration Corporation) and the private sector operator, NBH Operator Co (a subsidiary of Healthscope Ltd.).
- Comparison against benchmarks for peer or near-peer NSW Health hospitals.
- The audit will focus on two areas of clinical activity: Emergency Department activity and General Surgery.
- The main period of focus for this audit is from July 2022 to June 2024.
Excluded from the scope:
- The decision to deliver the Northern Beaches Hospital via a Public Private Partnership.
- The design and construction phases of the Northern Beaches Hospital Public Private Partnership.
- Quality as it relates to an assessment of the specific effectiveness of clinical activities or scopes of practice. However, the audit may comment on whether the agencies have themselves adequately considered and assessed clinical evidence as part of performance monitoring and oversight of clinical services.
- Merits of government policy objectives.