Mining Rehabilitation Security Deposits
The Department of Planning and Environment requires mining companies to rehabilitate sites according to conditions set in the mining development approval. The Department holds mining rehabilitation security deposits that are meant to cover the full cost of rehabilitation if a mining company defaults on its rehabilitation obligations.
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
Source: NSW Minerals Council, 2013.
3. Recommendations
4. Key Findings
4.1 Clarity of outcomes and rehabilitation requirements
4.1.1 Department’s requirements for MOPs
4.1.2 Clarity of outcomes in MOPs
Source: Laurence, 2006
Source: Water NSW 2017.
4.2 Calculating the cost of rehabilitation
4.2.1 Calculating rehabilitation costs
4.2.2 Reviewing rehabilitation costs
Source: NSW Department of Industry, 2017.
4.2.3 Weaknesses in current rehabilitation cost calculation tool
4.2.4 New calculation tool and guidance
4.3 Monitoring mine site disturbance and rehabilitation
4.3.1 Annual reports on progress with rehabilitation
4.3.2 Monitoring of rehabilitation progress
4.4 Access to funds in security deposits
4.4.1 Form of securities
Source: NSW Audit Office analysis
4.4.2 Accessing deposits to rehabilitate
Parliamentary reference - Report number #285 - released 11 May 2017