Volume One 2010
The Auditor-General, Mr Peter Achterstraat, today released his Volume One Report to Parliament for 2010. The report includes comments on his annual audit of entitlements paid to Members of NSW Parliament and financial audits of WorkCover, Justice Health, Waste Recycling Processing Corporation and some other NSW Government agencies.
In his audit the Auditor-General had called for a system to be developed to ensure accrued loyalty/reward benefits are used to reduce Members’ parliamentary business travel expenditure, rather than be forfeited when a Member leaves Parliament. He also called for better controls over the Logistic Support Allocation used for transport, communications, printing, stationery, office supplies and equipment.
“Since our audit, I have been advised that proper processes are now in place, something I will be reviewing in the coming year,” said Mr Achterstraat.
“I am also pleased that Parliament has advised me controls are now in place to prevent the Logistic Support Allocation from being used for electioneering and political campaigning”, he added.
Three Members who received the annual Sydney Allowance did not return unspent monies from this allowance to Parliament as required.
“At the time of my audit, this money still had not been returned,” said Mr Achterstraat. “Sanctions should be considered by the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal against any Member who does not return unspent monies. This is not the first time I have raised this issue,” he added.
The report highlights figures from the WorkCover Authority which show workplace injuries are at their lowest levels since 1987. This information supports the findings in the Auditor-General’s recently released Injury Management in the NSW Public Sector report.
Justice Health needs to strengthen its policies and procedures for equipment stocktakes.
Further information
Barry Underwood, Executive Officer, on 9275 7220 or 0403 073 664 email: barry.underwood@audit.nsw.gov.au