Transport 2017

The Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford released her report today on the results of the financial audits of NSW Government's Transport cluster. The report focuses on key observations and findings from the most recent financial statement audits of agencies in the Transport cluster.

Unqualified audit opinions were issued for all agencies' financial statements. However, the report notes the agencies can improve their asset revaluation processes.

The number of Opal cards with negative balances increased from 363,000 to 776,771 with $2.6 million in revenue not collected during 2016-17. While acknowledging $2.6 million represents only 0.2 per cent of total annual passenger revenue, the report recommends that Transport for NSW should implement measures to prevent loss of revenue from passengers tapping off with negative Opal cards.

The report includes a range of observations in respect to service delivery. Transport data shows that average punctuality is above target for Sydney Trains, Ferries and Light Rail. As reported in previous years, punctuality targets on intercity train services and some bus regions are not being met and crowding on buses remains an issue.

There are no target measures on crowding for bus operators in any contract region. The report recommends Transport for NSW should develop target measures on crowding for bus operators in all contract regions and publish the results. Surveys conducted by Transport indicate customer satisfaction exceeded target for all modes of public transport.

Further information

Barry Underwood, Director, Office of the Auditor-General, on 0403 073 664 and email