Report snapshot: State agencies 2024
About this report
Results and key themes from our audits of the state agencies’ financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024.
It also includes observations on the following areas of focus:
- risk management
- capital projects
- shared service arrangements.
The Treasurer did not table the audited Total State Sector Accounts (TSSA) in Parliament as required by the Government Sector Finance Act 2018, and Responsible Ministers did not table 16 annual reports in Parliament by the required date.
Audit results
Unqualified opinions were issued for all but one agency. The quality of financial statements submitted for audit improved, with reported misstatements down to a gross value of $3.9 billion in 2023–24, compared to $10.8 billion in 2022–23.
Key themes
Errors in accounting for assets led to financial statements adjustments of $1.4 billion.
Our audits identified deficiencies in key controls across financial management, payroll, contract management and procurement.
Risk management
Risk management maturity is low across most agencies. Some of the largest 40 agencies self-assess their risk maturity as requiring improvement.
Capital projects
There is a lack of transparency in the NSW budget papers relating to significant capital projects. The estimated total costs for some major projects are not published as the amounts are considered commercially sensitive. The budget papers do not provide a complete and accurate reflection of the actual costs of large infrastructure projects.
Shared service arrangements
Three of the five agencies that provide shared services to 108 customer agencies did not obtain independent assurance over the effectiveness of their control environment.
The report makes recommendations to agencies to improve controls and processes in relation to:
- financial reporting
- financial management
- risk management
- shared service arrangements
- capital projects.
Fast facts
Further information
Please contact Renee O'Kane, Chief of Staff, on 9275 7347 or by email.