Report highlights: Members’ additional entitlements 2023
What this report is about
This report assesses compliance of claims made by members of the NSW Parliament during the 2022–23 financial year with certain requirements outlined in the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal’s Determination (the determination).
What we found
The audit selected a sample of members’ claims. The audit does not test every claim made by members. The audit identified 33 departures from the determination. In addition, we identified seven instances where members did not submit their annual loyalty scheme declarations by the date specified in the Department of Parliamentary Services’ (the department) administrative requirements.
What we recommended
The Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal should provide greater clarity on current processes and implications of departures from the guidelines to members. The department should work with members to provide them additional training or education to better help them comply with the determination.
The department should continue to work with presiding officers, members, the clerk of the Parliaments and the clerk of the Legislative Assembly to enhance reporting of members’ expenditure.
Fast facts
Further information
Please contact Ian Goodwin, Deputy Auditor-General on 9275 7347 or by email.