Justice 2018
The Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford released her report today on NSW Justice cluster agencies. The report focuses on key observations and findings from the most recent financial audits of law and order and emergency services agencies.
'It is pleasing to report that unqualified audit opinions were issued for all Justice agencies’ financial statements', the Auditor-General said.
The Department of Justice continues to address control issues with its 2016-17 implementation of a system to provide information technology, payroll and general finance services. Collectively, these issues are considered to be high risk in the context of the Department’s overall control environment. The services are provided to the Department and other agencies within the Justice cluster.
The report notes that a new demand funding model is being considered for the criminal and civil justice system. Funding is currently determined in advance through the annual appropriation process. This does not always reflect the required expenditure which is driven by the level of activity.
Further information
Barry Underwood, Director, Office of the Auditor-General, on 0403 073 664 and email barry.underwood@audit.nsw.gov.au.