Central Agencies 2018 29 November 2018 Finance Premier and Cabinet Treasury The Auditor-General for New South Wales, Margaret Crawford, released her report today on the results of the financial audits of NSW Government central agencies. The report focuses on key observations and findings from the most recent financial statement audits of agencies in the Treasury, Premier and Cabinet, and Finance, Services and Innovation clusters. While clear audit opinions were issued on all agency financial statements, the report notes that some complex accounting requirements caused significant errors in agency financial statements submitted for audit, which were corrected before the financial statements were approved. ‘Agencies can better support the financial statement preparation process by responding to key accounting issues when they are first identified’, said the Auditor-General. The report also notes deficiencies in how some agencies manage their service providers, procurement and projects. This heightens the risk of not achieving value for money from these activities. Further information Barry Underwood, Director, Office of the Auditor-General, on 0403 073 664 and email barry.underwood@audit.nsw.gov.au. Central Agencies 2018