Bus contracts in metropolitan Sydney

About this report

Bus services in metropolitan Sydney are provided by private operators under contract to the NSW government. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) determines bus timetables, routes, stops, and frequency, while the operators deliver the specified bus services.

This audit assessed the effectiveness of TfNSW’s design and management of metropolitan Sydney bus service contracts. The audit focused on the nine regions where services are provided under the Greater Sydney Bus Contract (GSBC).


TfNSW is not effectively managing bus contracts to ensure that operators are meeting contracted obligations and customer needs. It has not responded strategically to major changes in commuter, work and travel patterns on metropolitan bus services.

TfNSW identified significant gaps in its strategic contract management capacity since 2022 but has not sufficiently addressed these. As a result, it has not undertaken essential medium to long-term strategic activities required to effectively manage the GSBCs. It has not conducted a holistic, systematic review of service levels across all regions to fully address the impacts of the post-COVID-19 period, and other changes such as new infrastructure and travel options like the Sydney Metro M1 line.

First stop on time running has stabilised since January 2023. However, operators are not consistently meeting their performance obligations for on time running, cancelled trips and customer complaints.

There are gaps in TfNSW’s contract management specific procedures and delegations. These gaps mean that the risks of inappropriate exercise of delegations, non-compliance with contractual requirements and/or inappropriate use of public funds are not fully addressed.


The audit recommends that TfNSW improve the capacity of its bus contracts management team. It should also close the gaps in its contract management specific procedures and delegations, and start regularly auditing operator responses to customer complaints.

TfNSW should implement strategic planning, including enhanced data analytics, aimed at improving bus operator performance.

Fast facts 
  • $7.9 billion estimated value of the Greater Sydney bus contracts
  • 437 reduction in the number of bus driver vacancies from its highest level (623 in July 2022) to October 2024 (186)
  • 25.9% reduction in metropolitan Sydney bus travel in 2023 compared to 2019

Further information

Please contact Renee O'Kane, Chief of Staff, on 9275 7347 or by email.