Give feedback on an entity we audit
The Audit Office is not a complaints handling organisation. However, we are keen to receive feedback about significant issues in NSW government agencies, universities and local councils. We are particularly interested in feedback about:
- wastage of public resources
- lack of probity or financial prudence in the management or application of public resources.
We also have Memoranda of Understanding in place with the NSW Ombudsman's office and with the Office of Local Government to facilitate the referral of complaints between us.
- Memorandum of Understanding with NSW Ombudsman
- Memorandum of Understanding with Office of Local Government
If you are a member of the public, you can submit your feedback by using the below form, or by contacting us directly:
- Phone us on 61 2 9275 7100
- Email us on
- Post us at Audit Office of New South Wales, Enquiries, GPO Box 12, Sydney NSW 2001
If you are a public official and wish to report serious and substantial waste of public money by a NSW government entity, university or local council, please refer to the Make a public interest disclosure page.
If you have a complaint about one of the organisations we audit you should contact that organisation directly in the first instance. Most organisations have a process to manage complaints and their websites will usually have details on how to make a complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the way the organisation concerned has responded to your complaint, one of these agencies may be able to help.
When you provide us your personal information by email or through this website:
- we will record your email address and other information submitted
- we will use the information for the purpose for which you provide it
- your email address will not be added to a mailing list, unless provided by you specifically for that purpose.
Please refer to our Privacy Management Plan for more information.