200 years of audit impact


Over the past 200 years, the Auditor-General for New South Wales has supported Parliament in holding government accountable for its use of public resources. The audit work is broad and covers the entire spectrum of public services in NSW, which have evolved significantly and continue to do so. 

Every year, reports on the consolidated findings of several government entities (financial audits) are tabled in NSW Parliament. The Audit Office also undertakes performance audits to help improve public administration.

Explore below a small selection of the thousands of audits that have improved how government services are delivered to meet the needs of citizens.  The services enjoyed by citizens today have been improved by these audit findings, made by public sector auditors at the Audit Office. 




Community Services | Justice

Environment | Planning | Industry

State Finances | NSW Treasury

Internals Controls | Governance | Cyber

Each year the Auditor-General tables a report on whole-of-government findings around internal controls and governance. In recent years there’s been a strong focus on cyber. 

Local Government

The Auditor-General was mandated to audit the NSW local government sector in 2016 and the first consolidated report to Parliament on the audits of local government was published in 2018. A consolidated report has been tabled each year since then, as well as performance audits conducted on the sector. Here’s a snapshot of sector insights from the last Auditor-General’s Report to Parliament on the local government sector in NSW. 


Every year a report on the consolidated findings of university entity financial audits is tabled in NSW Parliament.

The ten public universities in New South Wales were formed under NSW legislation which requires them to prepare financial statements and provide these to the Auditor-General to audit. 

Here’s a snapshot of sector insights from the last Auditor-General’s Report to Parliament on universities. 

Whole of Government