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Annual reports


Actions for Annual Report 2023–24

Annual Report 2023–24

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2023–24 against the main goals, strategies and
Our bicentenary: 200 years and counting, There is, perhaps, no colony or country, in which the public accounts branch into so many minute details and ramifications... by the peculiar nature a, History of the Auditor-General, 200 years of audit impact Learn more about our history.
Auditor-General's message, web-banner-AG message.png, medium, align-centre, I am pleased to present my first annual report as Auditor-General for New South Wales.  I would like to acknowledge the work of my predecessor, Margar, Commemorating 200 years of public sector auditing in New South Wales, On 8 November 1824, public sector auditing was introduced in New South Wales with the appointment of William Lithgow, the first Auditor of Colonial Re, We used our new follow-the-dollar powers for the first time, This year we examined the performance of non-government organisations for the first time since our mandate was expanded in 2022. Follow-the-dollar pow, Connecting with the sector, Engaging directly with the people and organisations impacted by the work of the Audit Office has been a key priority of mine as Auditor-General. I hav, Considering what impact means in audit, Over the past year, the Audit Office made progress on the development of an Impact Reporting Framework. The goal is to understand how our work makes a, Readying ourselves for a new strategic direction, The Audit Office’s Corporate Plan 2020–2024 outlined strategic priorities for a four-year period that concludes in December 2024. In 2023–24, we asses, And finally…, I am committed to serving the people and the Parliament of New South Wales. I look forward to the next eight years and helping Parliament hold governm
Year at a glance, Operational snapshot16 performance audit and special reports tabled in Parliament. Target: 15–2014 financial audit reports tabled in Parliament. Last
Overview, Our organisation, Office Executive, The Office Executive provides the leadership necessary for the Audit Office to achieve its strategic direction and goals. It is chaired by the Auditor
Strategy, Our Corporate Plan 2020–2024 provides a clear focus and direction for the Audit Office of New South Wales. Each year we report our progress against th, Enhancing our impact, demonstrating our value, Objective: To be recognised by Parliament and stakeholders for our value as a source of accountability and integrity. Key achievements: Celebrated our, Building capability for the future, Objective: To continually adapt our organisation and way of working to meet future challenges. Key achievements: Transformed our digital environment w, Quality in everything we do, Objective: Our credibility, and the trust and confidence people have in us, will be sustained and enhanced by the quality of the work we do and our in, Securing our future, Objective: Our operating model demands we provide value-for-money services that pay their way and support investment in contemporary tools and methodo
Operations and performance, Our value to Parliament, 83% of parliamentarians agree we operate independently from government75% of parliamentarians are satisfied with our reports and servicesOur relations, Our work with parliamentary committees, 6 appearances at parliamentary committee hearing10 Parliamentary committee briefingsPublic Accounts CommitteeThe Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a , The impact of our work, 99% of our financial audit recommendations accepted95% of our performance audit recommendations accepted or agreed in principleImproving public sector, Our value to the agencies we audit, 93% value the recommendations to improve financial management and internal controls of their organisation64% believe that the Audit Office's audit pro, Performance audits and special reports, 14 performance audits completed2 other assurance engagements undertakenWhat is a performance audit?Performance audits are in-depth assessments of whet, Financial audits, 498 financial audits completed677 other assurance reviews completed1,175 in totalWhat is a financial audit?Our financial audits provide independent op
Management and accountability, People | Employee engagement, 75% employee engagement95% of employees feel their manager supports flexible working in their teamSurvey participation highIn 2023–24, 84% of our empl, People | Workforce management, 337 full-time equivalent employees12% employee turnover, within our target of 12–15%Employee turnover within our targetOur brand, reputation and oppor, People | Leadership and professional development, 7 training days per employee65 employees supported through our study support programWell‑developed skillsOur learning and development program is conte, Technology, 99% Technology systems availability kept at 99% targetCore business legacy systems transformed into contemporary cloud solutionsEnhancing technology a, Process | Quality, 100% of audit opinions reviewed through the quality assurance program were supportable4 submissions made to professional bodiesOur System of Quality M, Process | Audit and reporting, 89% of state and university financial audit opinions issued within four months of agencies financial year-end65% of local government financial audit o, Governance | Framework and structures, Formal Office Executive meetings attendedA total of ten formal meetings held.Formal Office Executive meetings attendedBola Oyetunji3*Margaret Crawford, Governance | Ethics, ASX Principle 3: EthicsHigh standards of conduct are instilledProtecting the reputation of the Audit Office is vital to ensure our credibility and mai, Governance | Independent assurance and reporting, ASX Principle 4: Corporate reportingThe integrity of Audit Office financial and corporate information is safeguarded by several mechanisms that provid, Governance | Disclosure, ASX Principle 5: DisclosureOpen access informationThe Audit Office holds a significant amount of government information. Most of the government inform, Governance | Risk management, ASX Principle 7: Risk managementRecognising and managing riskOur risk management and strategic planning are integrated. Risks are used as an input int, Governance | Stakeholder management, ASX Principle 6: Key stakeholder rightsBuilding effective relationshipsIn 2023–24, we maintained our focus on building effective relationships with ou
Sustainability, For the Audit Office, sustainability means meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations by ensuring we have:strateg, Economic, Ensuring our financial sustainabilityLike all organisations, the Audit Office has finite resources to deliver on its legislative mandate and fulfil st, Environmental, Assessing our environmental risksIn 2023–24, we undertook a comprehensive climate risk assessment, supported by the NSW Government Climate Risk Ready , Social | Employee wellbeing, 83% of employees felt that there were effective resources to support employee wellbeing93% of employees were satisfied with their ability to access an, Social | Work health and safety, 0 notifiable incidents to Safe Work Australia2 new workers’ compensation claimsWHS injuries and incidentsIn 2023–24 there were six Work Health and Saf, Social | Culture and diversity, 60% of senior executives are women57% of our employees’ first language spoken was not EnglishCelebrating and enabling diversityWe are committed to ens, Social | Community, Managing the risks of modern slaveryThis year, we continued to implement changes to address the Modern Slavery Act 2018 requirements, and took reasona
Financial performance, Read our financial performance including: FinancesFinancial positionKey statistics
Financial report, Read our financial report including:Independent Auditor’s Report Statement by the Auditor-General for New South Wales Statement of comprehensive incom
Appendices, Appendix one: Overseas visitsAppendix two: Appearances before parliamentary committeesAppendix three: Submissions to professional bodiesAppendix four:


Actions for Annual Report 2022–23

Annual Report 2022–23

This Annual Report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2022–23 against the main goals, strategies and
Auditor-General's message, Annual Report 22-23 AG banner.png, large, align-centre, I am pleased to present the Audit Office of New South Wales’ (NSW) annual report for 2022–23. This has been another year of achievement against our co, The importance of trust and integrity in government, During 2022–23 there has been an ongoing focus and public discourse on government acting with integrity in the delivery of public services. This debat, Our work supports the NSW Parliament, Our audit reports are a trusted source of information for the Parliament of NSW. They are often cited in debates, and we provide evidence to parliamen, Amendments to the Government Sector Audit Act 1983, Recognising the importance of the assurance provided by the Audit Office, long overdue amendments were made to the Government Sector Audit Act 1983, i, Our focus on diversity and inclusion, In addition to our focus on quality, and our investment in technologies to support our staff and clients, this annual report showcases our commitment , Two hundred years of impact, This will be my last introduction to an annual report of the Audit Office of NSW. My eight-year term as Auditor-General will end on  3 April 2024. I a
Strategic progress, We report on the performance targets we set for ourselves in our Corporate Plan. Our four strategic objectives are detailed below, along with our key
* The most recent survey results are included here (2022) as no survey was conducted in 2023 due to it being an election year. ** In previous years, w


Actions for Annual Report 2021–22

Annual Report 2021–22

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2021–22 against the main goals, strategies and
Auditor-General's message, Margaret banner - Annual Report 21-22.jpg, medium, align-centre, I am pleased to present our Annual Report for 2021–22, a year where our work was of a high quality, had considerable impact, and generated discussion , Engagement with Parliament and impact of our work, 2021–22 saw a high level of engagement with the Parliament of New South Wales. In the Legislative Council, we were invited to give evidence to the Pub, Quality in everything we do, Recently, international and national attention has focused on the role and quality of audit in the face of business failures. We have implemented a co, Staff wellbeing and flexible work arrangements, It has been a tough couple of years for everyone and staff of the Audit Office are no exception. Like all parts of the economy and government, recruit, Looking forward, In addition to providing assurance around our audit practices, the PAC quadrennial review made two strategic recommendations to ensure the Audit Offic
Strategic progress, We report on the performance targets we set for ourselves in our Corporate Plan. Our four strategic objectives are detailed below, along with our key
brown, Enhancing Our Impact, Demonstrating Our Value ​​​​​​, Enhancing Our Impact, Demonstrating.png, charcoal, Building Capability For The Future, Building Capability for the Future.png, mauve, Quality In Everything We Do, Quality in Everything.png, gold, Securing Our Future, Securing Our Future.png


Actions for Annual Report 2020–21

Annual Report 2020–21

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2020–21 against the main goals, strategies and
Auditor-General's message, Margaret Crawford beige jacket banner, medium, align-centre, By any measure, 2020–21 has been a year like no other. A year of significant disruption and challenge for each of the sectors we audit, and for all th, The impact of our work, Many important reports were tabled in the Parliament of New South Wales (Parliament) through 2020–24. One key area of focus relates to how the sectors, Request audits, In 2020–21 we completed three audits on specific matters requested by ministers of the government. Request audits are provided for by section 27B(3)(c, Stronger stakeholder engagement, Survey results, extensively covered in this annual report, generally show support for the quality and relevance of our work. But, particularly during , Staff adaptation and resilience, The people who work at the Audit Office have long been known for their professionalism and expertise. Our Office has also had a very strong commitment, One last vote of thanks, As always, this annual report fairly and comprehensively documents our 2020–21 activities and results. What it cannot do justice to is the unwavering
Strategic progress, We report on the performance targets we set for ourselves in our Corporate Plan. Our four strategic objectives are detailed below, along with our key
brown, Enhancing Impact, Demonstrating Value, Enhancing Our Impact, Demonstrating.png, mauve, Quality In Everything We Do, Quality in Everything.png, gold, Securing Our Future, Securing Our Future.png, charcoal, Building Capability For The Future, Building Capability for the Future.png
Interactive PDF, Access the Interactive PDF version


Actions for Annual Report 2019–20

Annual Report 2019–20

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2019–20 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

It is currently available in the following format: 

Annual report 2019–20 (PDF version)


Actions for Annual Report 2018–19

Annual Report 2018–19

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2018–19 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

It is currently available in the following format: 


Actions for Annual Report 2017–18

Annual Report 2017–18

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2017–18 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

It is available in the following format: 


Actions for Annual Report 2016–17

Annual Report 2016–17

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2016–17 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

It is available in the following format:  


Actions for Annual Report 2015–16

Annual Report 2015–16

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2015–16 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

It is available in the following format: 



Actions for Annual Report 2014–15

Annual Report 2014–15

Whole of Government

This annual report summarises the activities and performance of the Audit Office of New South Wales for 2014–15 against the main goals, strategies and targets in its strategic plan. As well as reporting on the financial results for the past year, the report looks to the year ahead.

Annual report 2014–15 (PDF)